Need to stay motivated

After a lifetime if eating wrong and not exercising enough, in July I finally decided to try some meal prepping and start exercising. I started lifting weights and cutting out more sugar and sweets and feeling good. I have only lost 20 pounds which is not how much I had wanted to, but I struggle often. My husband and I go away for weekends here and there and when I get back it takes me a bit to get motivated again. Recently we went to Dominican and did pretty good; had 3 workouts (I wanted to), two bicycle trips and didn't gorge at the buffet. In a week I only gained 1.5 lbs. Came back, busy as heck and fell into a funk; no motivation...again! With Christmas coming, its getting harder too. Any suggestions?


  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    You've done really great and diet/exercise breaks can be good every now and then. When I get like this, I just start thinking about where I was at the beginning and how I never want to go back to that place.