Feeling Really Down

I haven't been doing very well with my eating these past fees weeks. You see, I've come home for the holidays and being home has really thrown off my eating. I have always struggled with binge eating but I can't seem to control myself right now. The entire situation is just making me feel really sad and negative about myself. I was already having image problems about being overweight but they are at a new time low. I am really nervous about seeing my extended family over the holidays because I don't want any of them to judge me based on my weight.
Any advice on how trying to stay positive in my weight loss journey?


  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    Sorry you are struggling. First of all, you can't control what other people think so don't even give it a thought about what others think and how they view you. If anyone, relative or not, judges you negatively due to your weight then you don't need them in your life anyway. That's shallow and inconsiderate.

    Next, immediately get rid of the "I can't" inner dialogue and replace it with "I CAN" or "I will try my best. Sometimes I'll succeed, sometimes I won't do as well, but I will not give up". Getting your mind in the right place first is key.

    Start new habits. Going back home is difficult for almost anyone as far as not automatically reverting to bad habits. Be mindful and pay attention to what you eat, how much, and how you feel. Be active and socialize. Keep yourself busy and you won't worry about food as much. Good luck and enjoy the holidays!
  • coachfeliciad
    coachfeliciad Posts: 54 Member
    Hey girl. Life happens. You lose weight, you gain weight, you dominate life, you get knocked ten steps back. Everyone goes through this--whether they want to admit it or not--but the key is digging down deep and remembering why you want to make these changes. And NEVER focus on results. Focus on the change. Take it 1 pound at a time, 1 day at a time.

    I used to feel the same way about seeing people when I felt so crummy and ashamed of my body. I didn't want to leave the house cause it was too exhausting to try and hide myself in clothes or sit in the corner feeling like an idiot. I missed so many get-togethers and that's family time I'll never get back.

    Write your goals down. You need to be able to visually see them. Include every goal no matter how small it is. You want to be able to check things off that list now, not months down the road. And take baby steps.

    Go a full day drinking only water--check
    Cut 50 calories from my diet today--check
    Take the stairs today and no elevators--check
    Walk for 30 minutes today--check

    See what I mean? When you can physically check things off your list it seems so much possible to reach your end goals. And however amount of weight you have to lose shouldn't matter. If it's 5 pounds, 10 pounds, 20, 50, 100; Focus on just 1 pound each week. You're stronger than you think girl. Just stop focusing on the big picture and the end result on focus on making those small changes daily. I'll send you a friend request and you can message me anytime you need help or support <3
  • Iguessicandothis
    Iguessicandothis Posts: 2,132 Member
    Try to have fun and enjoy your time with your family. Don't worry about your weight right now. And pick something everyday that is healthy and will make you feel good about yourself. Whether it's a brisk walk, drinking your 8 glasses of water or having a huge pile of salad with your meal.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    I agree with the previous posters. Great advice! I'd add to not think of this time at home as weight loss time, but rather building new habits time. I've stumbled a lot these past few weeks but have also managed to start getting a handle on how to go to parties and social gatherings without totally self destructing.

    I've logged every bite. I cut back on alcohol. Some parties I've held s wine glass the whole evening and slowly sipped it. That's hard. It's easier for me to just not have it at all and drink soda. I pre-log by guessing what will be served. That's actually pretty effective. I avoid the fattening carbs like candy, cakes, cookies. If I have something like pie I eat it slowly. No seconds. And I log it. I've had a few binge times and painfully logged them. You'll get back on track when you get home, but I find it useful to see the calories I'm eating and the price I'm paying for that cake or cookie or candy. Hang in there!!!