Pre- After- Workout Diet

I was wondering what is best to eat before and after working out, in my case it's one hour of spinning three times a week.
I've read many blogs and I've come to this conclusion:
A can of tuna and/or a fruit 30 min before and an egg and a banana after the work out, before the window stops.
Of course I dont eat such incomplete meals, I know this is not ideal but I don't have time nor the ingredients to do an actual tuna sandwich or to buy protein shakes. So on an everyday basis I figured this would be the easiest, cheapest and nearest to the carb-protein idea that's everywhere.
Also, I read that I should eat an hour before just if I'm feeling hungry: I usually have lunch around 13:00/13:30 and my spinning class is at 15:30, so I don't feel hungry. Should I eat the fruit/tuna anyway? (Also, my lunch is almost always veggies/tomato and some meat)
However I do always feel a bit hungry after I work out (I particularly feel like eating meat, don't know why)
I'm from Argentina, so protein shakes tend to be really expensive, hard to get and bad quality, and there aren't many options really. But I get to eat meat easily, is that a good replacement for shakes? For what I've understood they get absorbed faster and that's why it's a better option after the workout.


  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    You should always eat food when you can, so don't stress about not having shakes. The focus should really be on your overall calories across a day but even across the week and making sure you're consistent there. The anabolic window theory is really more like 24 hours, so don't stress about it really; again just focus on your total caloric intake. Now from the perspective of training performance, yes, I would eat something before you train. A banana an hour before or even a thing of Gatorade 30-min's prior to training will go a long way in helping you train at your best. Don't stress about the smaller details. If you feel hungry or tired after you train, then eat, if not don't worry about it.
  • wilsoncl6
    wilsoncl6 Posts: 1,280 Member
    There's a lot of theories on what you're asking. Some theories that not eating prior to exercise (fasted) will encourage a more efficient fat burn while others dispel it as a myth. Others say that exercising without eating may improve overall fat burn but is negated by the lack of intensity that you might not be able to achieve or others say that eating your carbs prior to exercising will ensure good exercise intensity, thus providing a more efficient caloric burn during your exercise routine. Most will say that eating some level of protein shortly after your exercise (especially after heavy lifting) will encourage protein uptake and facilitate muscle growth and repair. Some will say that it doesn't matter one way or the other as your body will utilize what's available at any given moment and adjust to whatever you put in it regardless of when that occurs. You have to find out what works for you as everyone's body is different and reacts differently to food supplementation before and after workouts. I typically like to exercise fasted basically because food in my stomach anywhere near my exercise routine can make me nauseous so I generally eat/drink some protein and a little bit of carbs (fruit and oats) afterwards. That's what seems to work best for me.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    If I ate fruit and tuna before my work out I would spew out something so awful that a HAZMAT team would have to be called in to clean up the mess.

    Having some carbs can help fuel your work out. Some people prefer to work out fasted and eat something after. Do whatever works for you, don't get lost in the details. Meal timing is far less relevant that total calories.
  • vinnyluu
    vinnyluu Posts: 9 Member
    I like to get in at least 30 grams of carbs with some source of protein (i try to keep the meal on the lighter side) before I work out which I have found to help me fuel me through it. I usually eat this 30 minutes to an hour before.

    As for post workout, I make sure to get in a well balanced meal with carbs, protein, and fats.
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Cut spinning to twice a week, 30 mins ea. Start pumping iron twice a week....don't be afraid. :)