Battling postpartum weight gain

Hi. I am a mother of 2 kids (3yo and 11mo). I have lost all weight gainer thru pregnancy 4 weeks post delivery. As soon as I stopped breastfeeding iI started gaining some of that weight back.. Now I have gained all 30lbs back and have been diagnosed with inflamatoey arthritis. I also suspect hypotyroidism because I am gaining about 1.5 to 2 lbs a week!!! I am depressed and desperate to lose this weight. I am 185lbs and 5.4". Has anyone succesed to lose weight gained postpartum? I need some support and motivation. Thanks.


  • Kyrenora
    Kyrenora Posts: 133 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you after my first baby, born about 5.5 months ago. My supply dropped too much for me to effectively nurse anymore, and I shot up to 200lbs! I'm also 5'4" tall. I found some resources that allow you to work baby into your exercise routine. Try searching for Mommy & Me Workouts. So that's what I'm trying now. One of my neighbors is also a personal trainer, so I'm enlisting her help at the start of the new year.
  • Expatmommy79
    Expatmommy79 Posts: 940 Member
    I would go see the Dr before you do anything and get checked for the hypothyroidism.

    Log everything between now and then so you can show him the calories you are consuming and why the weight gain? Weigh all the quantities and don't forget oils and condiments which can quickly add up.

    As for the calorie control, because of the hypothyroid you will need to eat 250 calories less than what MFP tells you when you set up your goals. So if MFP says 1700 calories to loose 0.5/ week you would need to eat 1450 to loose the same to make up for your thyroid.

    I'm 6 months pp after 3 back to back bed rest pregnancies and 1 m/c in 4 years. I put on about 40 pounds by the end of al of them and now 15 down.... I hope to get back to my old self by summer 2016.

    Good luck.
  • brhaber123
    brhaber123 Posts: 10 Member
    edited December 2015
    I started gaining after I stopped breastfeeding my now 7 year old. I gained about 25 lbs but blamed it on the Mirena I got shortly after his birth. I had the Mirena removed 5 years later and started really counting calories, using a FitBit and exercising regularly. I have lost 31 lbs now so I am lower than my weight when I got pregnant but it has been really slow (19 lbs this year). Finally had bloodwork done this month and I am hypothyroid so starting meds tomorrow. So it is possible to lose with hypothyroid but I was eating to lose .5 lbs or more per week but only losing .3 or less. I am hoping the Synthroid will level things out so I can maintain on a few more calories than I can now.

    SW: 163
    CW: 132

    I would go get tested, wish I would have done it sooner!