Things you want to say, but don't...



  • AlisonH729
    AlisonH729 Posts: 558 Member
    So, how many pounds have you lost since starting Isogenix?
  • chelsy0587
    chelsy0587 Posts: 441 Member
    ____________, I love you like crazy, but can you at least give me a warm up first!

    _____________, stop eating straight from the vending machine then whining about your blood sugar being in the 300's... OH and STOP flossing your freaking teeth in our office!! That seriously makes me gag, do you not see me jump from my chair and run out of the office the minute you pull out the freaking floss stick!?!?

    _____________, Could you acknowledge the complements other centers are giving me for my hard work in a raise? Because just saying good job doesn't make me want to stay here when they offer me a job with their center!
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    (One of the many reasons I don't use facebook anymore)...

    ____________, no one gives a rat's *kitten* that your life is soooooo perfect. You don't need to rub it in everyone's face that you take a glorious trip every month. We also don't care one iota about the craft beers you drink. You are not some connoisseur. We also don't need to see 20+ pics of your dogs everyday and absolutely do not need to see a pic of every single meal you eat. Get over yourself.
  • chevelle_9903
    chevelle_9903 Posts: 628 Member
    After 1 year of no communication it's not ok to just text me and act like everything is ok....
  • KD454
    KD454 Posts: 1,548 Member
    You guys are so mean and really hurt my feelings :'(
  • HollyS6
    HollyS6 Posts: 41 Member
    Your political opinion, religious opinion, thoughts on gun control, opinion about the purple Teletubby are unnecessary to be posted daily on social media. We get it. We don't need to read it daily. Also, I don't care what you cooked for dinner or what your latest Pinterest project is.
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    No, friend of my husband, I don't want to be stuck hanging out with your wife and your friends' weird wives with whom I have nothing in common. Sitting with them drinking while the kids are told to make themselves scarce isn't my idea of a fun way to spend a day. I like spending time with my child, I'll take him to the zoo or museum thank you very much. I get a little tired of listening to all the shortcomings of my husband and my child and everyone else in the world who isn't like your wife and she decides to criticize. Would be fun to tell them too that because of my connections their child got into the school they had applied for but I'll keep that in my back pocket I guess.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    Stop listening in on my phone calls and talking over, interfering with my business with staff and clients. Don't give me health advice when you are diabetic but eat like complete garbage and smoke like a chimney. Do you really want to lose your legs someday? For a nurse, you absolutely do not practice what you preach. And your excessive dandruff is really disgusting and constantly dusts up my desk. Get yourself some medicated shampoo. Pronto. Every time I see your hand go towards your head, I want to puke.
  • Runfaster14
    Runfaster14 Posts: 90 Member
    You are f'ing creepy - quit staring at me!

    Would love to say this at the gym when the middle age fat guys think they are still in high school.
  • jbuzzed
    jbuzzed Posts: 10,172 Member
    Just because we're outside, that doesn't mean it's okay to smoke a cigarette in the middle of a crowd of people.
  • Steam_Powered_Awesome
    There is a reason why your daughter calls me Mom and cries when she leaves my house. If you didn't want a child you could have adapted her out. You have lost all my respect. I hope you come to you sense before its to late