What Do You Eat



  • Colorscheme
    Colorscheme Posts: 1,179 Member
    edited December 2015
    I just eat whatever I want within my calorie goal. I like to eat bagels and I scoop out the guts to make it less starchy. I also eat pasta, yogurt, salads, cereal, potatoes, whole wheat pizza that I make from scratch including the dough, raw fruit, etc.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Whatever I want while being conscious of how much (when I was losing I counted calories and will start that again when I decide to lose more, right now I haven't been logging but just being mindful). Of course, whatever I want incorporates the fact that I like eating a nutritious and balanced diet with adequate protein, healthy fats, and lots of vegetables, as well as some fruits, whole grains, etc., and feel better when I do. I enjoy eating as seasonally as possible and looking to local sources and doing lots of home cooking. But then again, I also enjoy trying out local restaurants and returning to old favorites and eating ice cream and holiday-related dishes, so it just depends.

    I find it's not hard to lose or maintain when I'm active and mindful and -- for me -- when I mostly stick to 3 balanced meals per day (with perhaps a dessert or some cheese after dinner) or 3 meals plus a planned afternoon snack if my workout schedule makes that work better.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I'm another celiac so no gluten for me. I had already been eating this "restrictive" diet for a few years so when I discovered that I was prediabetic, I went to a very low carb, ketogenic diet (I was horrible at moderating) and found cutting out a few more foods very easy.

    My diet is low carb (<20g per day), high fat (>100g per day) with moderate protein (~80g per day). My carbs are mainly veggies, and I rarely eat grains, baked goods, anything with sugar added, or high sugar fruits, and when I do I eat a small amount. I eat pretty typical amounts of meat and eggs, and more nuts, oils, cream, cheese and coconut than the average person.

    A ketogenic diet has worked wonderfully for e for the last 6 months. I lost weight (40lbs) and my cravings for sugary "junk" food, and my appetite is greatly reduced. My prediabetes is resolved as long as I eat a ketogenic diet, plus my arthritis improved as did my skin and autoimmune issues.

    I occasionally eat just low carb, like on Xmas, and go out of ketosis, but I feel better when carbs are restricted. I don't plan on ever eating moderate carb again.
  • cherrieblossom2015
    Most of my meals consist of a protein and vegetables, the main starchy carbs I eat are sweet potato, brown rice, oatmeal, and some fruits because alot of foods give me indigestion or nausea. I try to eat to get my macros and micros in, not too concerned about calories. I love to run (really any strenuous cardio in general) so I mostly do that and pilates. My college has an awesome gym so I lift weights and do stairmaster while I'm there.
  • Terri2874
    Terri2874 Posts: 28 Member
    I have always eaten anything that I wanted....within reason and within my calorie goal. Protein powder and other supplements (in my experience) taste HORRIBLE and have five million unnatural ingredients. Not worth it Imo.
    The gym is one of my favorite places to be...so I go four to five days per week.
    Not so much worried about the scale..macros and all that stuff....but my clothes fit better and I feel amazing:-)
  • chuckyjean
    chuckyjean Posts: 201 Member
    I do something everyday so I can burn at least 300 calories a day. On weekdays I walk for an hour then mix it up when I get home between Wii u fit or just dance. On weekends I usually do the treadmill.

    I eat what I want , measure everything, and don't go over my allowed calories
    I have been eating more fruits and veggies, staying away from red meats, but still measuring out an oz of chips.
  • duddysdad
    duddysdad Posts: 403 Member
    When I am losing, I eat around 1500 calories for 1.5 pounds per week. I eat a breakfast sandwich with egg, cheese, mustard, english muffin. Lunch is usually the same cheap frozen meal for 190 calories. Snacks are usually corn dogs with mustard, baby carrots, peanut butter sandwich, milk, cottage cheese. For dinner I often have a hot pocket or another frozen meal, maybe a sandwich. I don't eat much for dinner because if I do, I get awful heartburn.

    When I am in maintenance mode, I get around 2300 calories. I often have a hard time eating that much with healthy foods, so I eat a lot of junk foods. I eat the same sandwich for breakfast, or I stop at McD and get a sausage biscuit. Lunch is fast food or a hot pocket. Snacks are the same corn dogs, more milk, peanut butter sandwich, mac & cheese. Dinner is the same as while losing weight. I usually eat two snickers bars or ice cream for dinner.

    As you can see, I don't eat very healthily. I've lost 160 pounds in 10 months with no exercise (I have a neurological disability). I went from two blood pressure pills and still high BP, to no pills and perfect BP. I had sleep apnea, now gone. I had gout, gone. I had joint pain, shortness of breath, a resting pulse of 120, etc etc. My labs are perfect and I am at a healthy 22 BMI, from a 40 BMI.

    I know this is more information than you asked for, but I just wanted to show you that you really can eat what you want and lose weight. It's not about what diet you are on, or what combination of foods you are eating, when you eat it, etc. It's all about calories. While it would be healthier if I ate more vegetables and fruit, you don't HAVE to eat it to lose.

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I eat when I'm hungry, or when I feel my blood sugar getting low. Which can be 3x a day or 8x a day depending on the time of the month, basically. I usually fit in 200-300 calories of 'empty' calories (bread, cookies, chocolate etc). I try to get my 5 servings of fruit and veggies (often end up more). Make sure I get 100g of protein and 60g of fat as well. I've never eaten less than 1650 calories (I don't add exercise). I'm 5'5" and started when I was 34.

    I exercise 6 days a week for at least an hour and try to be at least a bit active on day 7, but typically just take a rest day when my legs are too sore (I do a lot of cardio, bit of weights).