I need advice

Hola! So I'm not necessarily new to this and I'm somewhat of a serial dieter. I've done vegan, 80/10/10, 40/40/20, vegetation, keto, juice cleanse, IF, blood type diet, regular diet, seafood diet, and IIFYM, basically I'm 5'4 and as soon as I turned 18 I decided I didn't want to be fat. I was 160 pounds and all the fat was mainly in my legs and *kitten*, so I decided I wanted to slim down. The lowest weight I got to was 96 pounds and I realized I was too skinny so I gained until I was about 112. Here's the thing, I'm still around that weight and I'm not happy, I lost the curves I used to love but all the advice I got was that I would gain curves with muscle, it doesn't look that way. I have gained "curves" but I look more manly than anything else, I like looking feminine, my goal is ideally curvy but fit; so my question is, should I eat more and gain fat and then put on muscle underneath that fat in order to achieve that, or is fat evil and I should just keep doing what I'm doing and eventually the muscle will look nicer. I workout 6 times a week with 1 day cardio and rest weight training. If I were to gain weight it would all go to my thighs and booty to be honest; so ahould I try to gain and see how it goes? Or should I just be happy with me and except the fact that I can't be curvy and fit and the same time and being fit and skinny isn't a bad thing. PLEASE HELP.


  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    With no pictures, measurements, and the difficulty for a woman to build new muscle mass ... even at a caloric surplus with a structured muscular overload program ... I find it difficult to believe you're somehow "manly" around 112 pounds.

    Given your admitted disordered past, it is likely that your body image is skewed.
  • Rodriguezdarcher
    Rodriguezdarcher Posts: 2 Member
    edited July 2017
    I'm 136 pounds would like to be curvy and have a flat stomach on a vegan diet... Is that possible?? Would that be possible on the ketogenic diet..