Hi community! I'm Stephani :)

I'm 39, a software development consultant, married to the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, mom to a 19-year old human and 2 dogs. I move around a lot for work but will probably always call Montana "home". I love winters and snow and mountains and being outside. I'm currently recovering from stage 3 HPA-axis dysregulation so I'm here to track my nutrition and make sure I'm getting enough calories every day to heal. This is a big change since I've always fought with being thicker (though sometimes that meant muscular with <18% BF, but I've always been "big" whether with lots of muscle or lots of chub). I'm also not supposed to engage in high stress activities so my exercises of choice now are walking, yoga, medium intensity weight lifting (no more than 5 sets, low reps, heavy weights but no PRs), hiking, bicycling for transportation, and snowboarding :) And lots of breathing and meditation exercises during the work week!

I do need to lose fat but first and foremost, I need to be healthy. After working with my doctor and two dieticians for over a year now, I finally understand that. But just because I understand it, doesn't mean it's easy...how do you turn off almost 4 decades of conditioning that fat loss is the most (sometimes the ONLY) important part of being healthy?

My amazing wife bought me a Jawbone UP3 yesterday. I don't know anyone else who has one so if you're interested in duels, please send me a message here so we can connect there :)

I'm happy to be here and look forward to being a part of this community.
