
It is always a bit easier to do this if you are conversing with others in the same battle, so i thought I'd say hello.

I just joined but have tried an online tracker before. I usually lose interest after a while at counting calories, but thought I'd try again. It is the only way I've ever really successfully gotten weight off...keeping track of my food and fat burn. I am huge fan of Tom Venuto and he recommends counting calories, if you don't know who that is, read this;

My job is going to require me to do some running on weekends (I am in the reserves) and I hate running so I need to drop poundage to make it a might easier and I hate being overweight. My biggest obstacle is hunger in the evenings. If my wife would help me by not making cookies, cake, bringing home ice cream and baking pies, I would have no problems :-).

I am very familiar with how to maniuplate my body, I know how to make it stronger and lighter, have done it many times. I was really into body building in my early 30's. My metabolism has slowed a lot these days so it is not as easy as it was then to lose weight and I feel like I don't ahve the energy to lift weights a lot like did when I was younger.

5 weeks ago I was 203, the most I've ever weighed, right now I am at 193 by counting calories and hitting the gym or exercising at home every other day or so.

I am 47 and as I said I am in the military part time. I have to stay in shape for my job. I am current about to go through a phase in my career that will require me to step up my fitness level, it is scaring me enough to get working on it...every day.



  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I would tell the wifey to stop baking!