I effed up big time

So my plan was to go easy over Xmas with food and drink.....didn't happen. I'm pretty down on myself as I was way over my calories for the past 4 days and I didn't workout for 3 days. Today is a new day!!!! It's Monday. I smashed through my workout and ate a healthy breakfast. Not going to let it get me down and will try not to be too bummed on weigh in Wednesday.


  • Kyrenora
    Kyrenora Posts: 133 Member
    It's okay to have slip ups once in a while, as long as you get back on track afterward. You can also skip a weigh-in. I skipped my weighing the day after Christmas because I knew it was going to give me a higher number than I wanted to see.

    It sounds like you're motivated to get back in the game, so more power to you! You can do this!
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    Now that you're back on track just do your thing and next year at the holidays you'll know you can take it easy for a few days and make it up in January.