Binging/ BED

Hello everyone! I just joined mfp two days ago, and I'm finding that making friends and being more involved is helping me steer away from my BED. I am a recovered bulimic and am trying to control my BED. I've gained a lot of weight over the past two years. Has anyone overcome their BED on here? Also just looking for people around my age (or older haha) to stay accountable with or just to chit chat and stay motivated.


  • rosetylercardiff
    I'm in the same way, I have been Bulimic for years, some times stopping for months, sometimes it's everyday more than once for a week. Few years ago I lost a lot of weight on Weight Watchers, was very proud and happy, didn't do bulimia for over a year! Then we move, WW prices went way expensive, then house burnt down due to wildfires, moved again, started back to school and started bulimia again and I gain back part of the weight. I have much less to lose now than I did years ago when on WW but I find it really hard not to fall back into bulimia. And it never helps my weight loss, I do it to relieve stress, I don't know if anyone else understands that. But I want to stop, I even told my husband about it, he got all worried, then kept checking on me about it, then it dropped from his daily concerns all together. Don't get me wrong, he is a wonderful man but he can't handle my bulimia and I don't feel I can go back to him about it. I need someone too to talk too, help me when I am not doing good with bulimia, a buddy! It'd be great to have someone who could understand and not freak out or go to pieces because they just don't get why I do what I do but could lend an "ear" to help me and I could help right back too!
  • Summersoul130
    Summersoul130 Posts: 95 Member
    Hey, I understand completely what you're feeling. For me, it was more that it would make me feel less guilty after eating. I never lost, but I maintained. The only reason I quit was because my teeth started to look really yellow, and I got lots of cavities. That was honestly what pushed me to stop. My mom knew about it, and at first she kept telling me to stop, but then she just kinda got used to it and stopped giving me *kitten* about it. In a way, I think I had to gain all this weight in order to completely rid myself of my eating disorders.

    I'm definitely there if you need to talk, I hope you find a way to control it (: You will eventually
  • rosetylercardiff
    I have been an on and off Bulimic since I was 13, I am 46 now and this last 2 years have been a roller coaster of stopping and starting. At one point I'm good, next I'm awful, then OK agian. I have faith somehow it will stop, just don't know how or when. This has been with me for so long, even if there has been breaks for years, it always comes back. I want to find a way to make it go for good. No one suspects it still goes on, I'm a master of hiding it and taking care of the rest of me so there is no physical clues. If I could figure out how to deal with negative emotions without bulimia, I've heard the go get exercise, talk to someone in your family, wish I had money for discreet professional help, but I don't give up hope, waiting for prayers to be answered.