New me

I have an old profile that i thought i was doing right but turns out i was really depriving my body. Now i know more and want to start again. Hope to connect with some encouraging people along this new journey . i know that i can do this gonna be a long hard road but i have two littles for extra motivation. I want to keep them healthy but i have to learn first.


  • acarlson0203
    acarlson0203 Posts: 4 Member
    Good luck! It's a marathon not a sprint! You can do it - please add me. We are all in this together.
  • saturngal726
    saturngal726 Posts: 8 Member
    We can do this Irishmommi15!! I don't know how much you want to lose; I want to lose 80 pounds. It's a long way to go, but we need to put one step in front of the other on our journey. I am here for you!