Insanity Inches



  • Genetic_tea_drinker
    2 inches in two weeks is amazing! I've actually started to notice my clothes getting tighter which is a bit worrying >.<
    week 4, you are really far into it.
    I'm finding that yesterday, day 13, I'm starting to sweat more. I'm being able to push myself more. Before, midway through a 1min exercize i would just find myself feeling dizzy and nauseos. I still do now, but it's much later on in the routine. lol

    I might have to re-do the rest week if thats the weekend I am goin on holiday. lol
  • AdrianasMombieED
    AdrianasMombieED Posts: 117 Member
    Im doing insanity in another 3 1/2 weeks from now; finishing up Ripped in 30 and the 30 day shred. For insanity, would you log that in as circuit training as well?

    Never done Insanity before, hope I can go all the way with it! lol. 600 calories is alot and 2 inches in 2 weeks? awesome!. getting excited to start this workout! :D