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pjbr86 Posts: 6 Member
edited December 2015 in Introduce Yourself
We had a health screening at work a couple of weeks ago...
Until the end of July, I'd been running regularly, training for my Ironman.

Then I fell at work.

I sprained my ankle badly, possibly ruptured some tendons. The Ironman was 5 weeks away and I was heartbroken that I couldn't do it. So I rehabbed it, started training again, started running again, all was going well.

Then I slipped getting on a horse. Gone. Again.

This time I seem to have done something to the bit between my little toe and the one next to it. The ankle is just about behaving (stiff however!) but the toes hurt still.


So, I discovered at the screening that I'm now up to 14st1lb, my BFP is far too high, BP is up, lots of other things aren't good...

A horrid shock. But given that I carried on eating what I was eating when I was training, it's no great surprise!


So, I'm 30 (gulp) in June, and I refuse to start my 30's like this. If you want to join me along the way, please add me, but put a bit of a message with it!
