Calorie Confusion when exercising



  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,243 Member
    Dreysander wrote: »
    Well I have a method for weighing stuff like that (like I said, I weigh hummus) - put plastic wrap on scale, zero out scale, put whatever it is on plastic wrap until you get desired amount and there you go.

    There are similar laws here about the measurements on packets being accurate to within a certain percent. That's why I never bothered with weighing prepackaged stuff. Guess I have to be even more anal retentive lol.

    The thing is laws like that only penalize for underweight, not for overweight, so with potential imprecision in the automated portioning/packaging most companies compensate with extra product so as not to be penalized for having too little. The practical upshot is single serving things are usually incorrect being over the amount listed, and thus contain more calories than indicated because there is more product. That is not an issue when one has a lot to lose and can run a fairly large deficit, but it is an issue when only a small deficit is being used. Then measuring really needs to tighten up.
  • WAQuilter59
    WAQuilter59 Posts: 6 Member
    I don't believe that 600 calories in the 45 minute span is inaccurate. The machine takes my current weight into account and my heart rate stays around 140-150. It's not a treadmill but an ArcTrainer, so basically stair steps for 1-1/2 miles with variable resistance. It took me a while to work up to the full 45 minutes. It's a tough workout. Jelly legs at the end.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I don't believe that 600 calories in the 45 minute span is inaccurate. The machine takes my current weight into account and my heart rate stays around 140-150. It's not a treadmill but an ArcTrainer, so basically stair steps for 1-1/2 miles with variable resistance. It took me a while to work up to the full 45 minutes. It's a tough workout. Jelly legs at the end.

    What are your stats?
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Someone mentioned the exact 150g apple. I have "100g"of berries every day. Sometimes they weigh out to 97g, sometimes 102g. I don't bother changing the weight of them everyday, because i go under and over and it evens out. I do however change the weight of the avocado daily, as there's a decent calorie difference between 58g and 68g etc etc
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    I don't believe that 600 calories in the 45 minute span is inaccurate. The machine takes my current weight into account and my heart rate stays around 140-150. It's not a treadmill but an ArcTrainer, so basically stair steps for 1-1/2 miles with variable resistance. It took me a while to work up to the full 45 minutes. It's a tough workout. Jelly legs at the end.

    the problem is that machine burn calculations have a tendency to be inaccurate, even when you enter your weight. That is why most long term (and successful) MFP'ers only eat back a portion of their exercise cals it helps compensate for inaccurate calculations.
  • ZeroDelta
    ZeroDelta Posts: 242 Member
    Dreysander wrote: »
    Well I have a method for weighing stuff like that (like I said, I weigh hummus) - put plastic wrap on scale, zero out scale, put whatever it is on plastic wrap until you get desired amount and there you go.

    There are similar laws here about the measurements on packets being accurate to within a certain percent. That's why I never bothered with weighing prepackaged stuff. Guess I have to be even more anal retentive lol.

    Here's an easier way. Put the tub of whatever on the scale. Tare it. Scoop out what you need. The negative number on the scale will be the amount of product you used.
  • Expatmommy79
    Expatmommy79 Posts: 940 Member
    I weigh my bread.
    Spread the peanut butter on it.
    Weigh the bread again.
    The difference is the amount of peanut butter
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    So I don't mind calorie tracking as it helps me maintain control. I am a bit confused, however, when exercise calories are taken into account. I'm working on 1200 calories per day, not includiing exercise, which is more than adequate for me with smart choices. Anyone know how low you can go when exercise is aubtracted? I don't want to send my metabolism into starvation mode. MFP is giving me warnings if exercise takes me below 1000.

    Starvation mode is a myth.

    I believe the warning you get is standard for anyone who goes below 1200 calories.

    Exercise calories are extra. Take whatever burn number you come up with from the exercise machine, phone app, MFP, or other internet source, and eat about 60-70% of those back.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Dreysander wrote: »
    Why is it then when I get over like 1400 or so I gain weight?

    Because you calorie estimations are incorrect, or you have a medical issue that needs addressing. I will be its simply that you are eating more than you think. :)
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited January 2016
    1200 is what seems to work for me from past experience . 56, 5-10, office desk job, now going to the gym for 3-5 days a week, 45 minutes on an ArcTrainer for +600 calories per session.
    I don't believe that 600 calories in the 45 minute span is inaccurate. The machine takes my current weight into account and my heart rate stays around 140-150. It's not a treadmill but an ArcTrainer, so basically stair steps for 1-1/2 miles with variable resistance. It took me a while to work up to the full 45 minutes. It's a tough workout. Jelly legs at the end.

    600 plus calories for a 45 minute workout sounds way overestimated. No gym machine is accurate, they always provide high numbers because they want people to continue using their machines.

    As example: this morning I went on the killer run at the gym for 40 minutes (I'm 54, 5 ft 5 and 140 pounds) and the treadmill gave me a 500+ calorie burn. Good thing I was wearing my heart rate monitor, which gave me 282. While both are merely estimates, I trust the reading from my heart rate monitor because I've lost 44 pounds and have been maintaining for 2 years.

    What is your current weight and how much are you trying to lose?
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,653 Member
    edited January 2016
    Nevermind. Should have kept reading. :)
  • Dreysander
    Dreysander Posts: 294 Member
    ZeroDelta wrote: »
    Dreysander wrote: »
    Well I have a method for weighing stuff like that (like I said, I weigh hummus) - put plastic wrap on scale, zero out scale, put whatever it is on plastic wrap until you get desired amount and there you go.

    There are similar laws here about the measurements on packets being accurate to within a certain percent. That's why I never bothered with weighing prepackaged stuff. Guess I have to be even more anal retentive lol.

    Here's an easier way. Put the tub of whatever on the scale. Tare it. Scoop out what you need. The negative number on the scale will be the amount of product you used.

    I just started doing that. So much easier!