Shave what???



  • catneon
    catneon Posts: 911 Member
    and it shows definition beyond belief.

    it does:love: that is all...
  • FitForeverAgain
    FitForeverAgain Posts: 330 Member
    Ok, I'd prefer to hear from the women on this topic, as they're the only opinions I really care about on this topic. I cycle alot, and keep in pretty good shape. Cycling culture has always included a bit of a ritual that people who consider themselves cyclists and want to "join the club" - shave their legs. This used to be for reasons of getting massage, healing road rash, etc. Those that aren't pro's still do it to show their dedication to the sport - and it shows definition beyond belief.

    So, here's the questions, ladies...

    1. What would you think of a guy like me laying next to you at the pool with legs closer shaved than yours?
    2. Where do you start - and how do you keep from slicing your legs up?
    3. Any other good / bad points about shaving your legs I haven't thought of?


    Please be at your house between the hours of 12pm and 5pm today, someone will be by to take your man card from you

    I know, I know. 5 years ago before I caught up in the sub-culture of cycling, I would have said the same thing. But again, I'm comfortable with the man-card loss, as long as the ladies' opinion's say they'd be ok with it...
  • crazycurls2013
    crazycurls2013 Posts: 4 Member
    Dont start!

    I think guys have enough to shave to include something just cause. I appreciate the guy that maintains their facial hair and other areas... legs, to me, not imporant.

    it is a paint o maintain constantly and it looks worst when they start growing....

    I agree with the waxing thou - if you are going for it - waxing might be best,.
  • kookanddra
    kookanddra Posts: 92
    Be really careful around the knese and ankles. The side of the knee going to the back of the knee can be touchy. Little nicks can happen there and around the ankles. Just go slow. I find a nice shaved man is very attractive.
  • CheekyBrahette
    CheekyBrahette Posts: 441 Member
    First, It shouldn’t matter what someone thinks.
    Second, a girl should love you…not the hair on your legs. So that being said moving on…

    1)Me personally I would be fine with it.

    2)Maybe start with a woman’s razor. I suggest the Gillette Venus with 5 blade. I’ve used a man’s razor and they are very sharp. Instead of using shaving cream, use hair conditioner. Makes the razor glide over your skin nicely. Any old cheap hair conditioner will do. Go on youtube for videos on technique.

    3)The only bad point is stubble, you have to keep up with it unless you are interested in waxing your legs. Waxing gives you results that last longer. Also be careful when shaving around your knee or ankle. One slice and it’ll look like a botched amputation. I advise purchasing a box of band-aids while you’re at it.

    Good luck.
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member
    1. What would you think of a guy like me laying next to you at the pool with legs closer shaved than yours?

    Since I don't like body hair I would think "ooohhh, he's hot!"

    2. Where do you start - and how do you keep from slicing your legs up?

    Suck it up and wax it. Shaving is a pain in the butt. Waxing is simpler, less time intensive, but more $. However, if you must shave - change your razor frequently enough, lather, be gentle, and go slow.

    3. Any other good / bad points about shaving your legs I haven't thought of?

    Waxing is better!
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    I like my husband's hairy legs, but if he were to take up cycling & want to shave them, it wouldn't be a deal breaker.

    Shaving: use shaving cream, lots of lather. Start from your ankles, work your way up. I prefer short strokes & rinse the razor often. And make sure you use a good razor. I imagine this is pretty similar to shaving your face, it's just that you have to navigate the bumps & curves more (ankles & knee areas).

    Personally, if I were you, I wouldn't worry about what women think really. For every every woman who likes it, there's another who won't. My 2 cents worth.
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    I am disappointed.

  • superfox12082
    superfox12082 Posts: 512 Member
    Men should have hair on their legs.
  • bio01979
    bio01979 Posts: 313
    Ok, I'd prefer to hear from the women on this topic, as they're the only opinions I really care about on this topic. I cycle alot, and keep in pretty good shape. Cycling culture has always included a bit of a ritual that people who consider themselves cyclists and want to "join the club" - shave their legs. This used to be for reasons of getting massage, healing road rash, etc. Those that aren't pro's still do it to show their dedication to the sport - and it shows definition beyond belief.

    So, here's the questions, ladies...

    1. What would you think of a guy like me laying next to you at the pool with legs closer shaved than yours?
    2. Where do you start - and how do you keep from slicing your legs up?
    3. Any other good / bad points about shaving your legs I haven't thought of?


    I was a swimmer and so seeing guys with shaved legs is not weird to me because just like in cycling male swimmers shave their legs. So I wouldn't think much of it at all if I saw it, I would assume you were a cyclist/swimmer etc. And frankly if a woman considers you someone not worth talking to or "undateable" because you shave your legs (or don't) then she isn't for you :P

    Shaving cream is a good start. If you are quite hairy you may need multiple razors the first time (one of the guys I used to swim with needed 11 razors before one competition lol) as a dull razor will probably cut you more. Be careful around your achilles and knees because the skin is wrinkly, just go slow there and I use short, light strokes in those areas.
  • luckynky
    luckynky Posts: 123 Member
    I wouldn't start if I were you. Shaving legs is a big PIA. How far are you going to go up? Bikini line? As a lady, what would be most important to me would be that you were not prickly. So if you start shaving, you'll most likely need to do it on a DAILY basis. Add 10 minutes to your shower time.
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    I am not a fan of hair, so I would be thrilled to see your smooth legs.

    Get waxed, as the hair is pulled from the root and the regrowth tends to be longer.

    Let us know what you decide.
  • pinkledoodledoo
    pinkledoodledoo Posts: 290 Member
    I typically like my men to have some loud & proud body hair EXCEPT when they are really built/cut and then shaving/waxing anything but the armpits is cool with me. A guy with no underarm hair though, to me, is creepy.

    When I shave my legs I use those ladies' razors that have the built-in shave gel bars - it saves a lot of time (and frustration since I have a stand-up shower that would otherwise wash away the shave gel). I would suggest soaking your legs in the tub for 10 minutes prior to your first shave to soften the hair. Start at the ankle and work your way to just below the knee. Do the knee/ankle areas VERY carefully - this is where the majority of cuts happen. Do not press too hard or you'll end up looking like the victim of a knifing. Leg hair is less course than facial hair and requires less pressure. Prepare to spend a lot of time on it if you have your full length leg hair OR shorten the hair with a clipper (no attachment) first and then shave with a blade.

    Also... make sure you're using hot water and have plenty of it before you start... nothing will get you cutting your legs up faster than cold water on your skin, couldn't even tell you why.
  • cgarand
    cgarand Posts: 541 Member
    Get to the root of the problem, get an epilady... :devil:
  • britt7786
    britt7786 Posts: 106 Member
    If you want to do it, then do it!

    It's your body, your legs... you do what makes you feel most comfortable.

    I, personally, don't think there is anything wrong with it. My husband develops a bad case of heat rash in the summer, therefore he trims his legs down to keep from suffering.

    Shave your legs like you would shave your face. Slow, steady strokes.

    You will probably be irritated by the stubble in the beginning, so be sure to moisturize.

    You are hot! Don't let anyone tell you shaving your legs would make you less of a man. Everything we do is a personal choice. It definitely doesn't change who you are as a person.

  • Jessica_D_Shadow
    Jessica_D_Shadow Posts: 138 Member
    Ok, I'd prefer to hear from the women on this topic, as they're the only opinions I really care about on this topic. I cycle alot, and keep in pretty good shape. Cycling culture has always included a bit of a ritual that people who consider themselves cyclists and want to "join the club" - shave their legs. This used to be for reasons of getting massage, healing road rash, etc. Those that aren't pro's still do it to show their dedication to the sport - and it shows definition beyond belief.

    So, here's the questions, ladies...

    1. What would you think of a guy like me laying next to you at the pool with legs closer shaved than yours?
    2. Where do you start - and how do you keep from slicing your legs up?
    3. Any other good / bad points about shaving your legs I haven't thought of?


    1. I'd look at his legs, then mine. Then sigh because I know how lazy and un-often I shave my legs. LoL! But, I wouldn't think anything bad at all other than I need to shave more often!
    2. The girl who sounded "Sexy" explaining it, explained it well. Be careful around your ankles and behind your knee. Try NOT to flex and expose the tendons!!! That will lead to slicing up the skin along the tendon. Experience. You have to moisturize during and after. I use generic baby lotion after, great results.
    3. Good - Even Tan, Fresh shaved legs make the covers feel SOOOO AMAZINGLY SOFT! LoL. Bad- It's a constant chore. This being said, if you do it everyday in the shower it becomes a habit and not so bad.

    This all being said. Since you are a man, you really need to think about how far you are going to go. Men, from my experience, if they have some hairy legs they often have a furry butt too. You'd probably have to shave everything up to and around your goodies. I think it'd look fine naked if a guy shaved his legs, butt, and had a nice trim of his goodies. Could even leave the happy trail alone.
    This is about extent of everywhere you'll have to shave. LoL, where the hair is on this guy is the daily chore you're looking into.

    Now, a little TMI, but necessary when you are contemplating the "Still Sexy Naked" appeal. You are going to need to spread 'em & get that...?Grundel? area I think you guys call it & your inner thighs. I'm sure you can just trim this area. It's a chore. But if us ladies can do it, you can too. :tongue: Hope this helps. :heart:
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    Your hair will grow back quicker each time, and it will probably be thicker. hahah it wouldn't weird me out. Hair on legs doesn't bother me, but I'm not a huge fan of hairy guys anyways.

    OP, in case you saw this and were concerned--hair does not grow back quicker or thicker after you've shaved. It might appear to be thicker at first but it's just an old-wives tale. The truth is that the hair that's currently on your legs has been "worn away." Think about how a rock can be worn away from wind/water/grit--this is basically the same principle. So, yes... After you shave, the hair on your legs will appear to be thicker; however, the base (or root) of your hair follicle will not be changed or altered from shaving.

    That said...

    1. Nothing wrong with a guy who shaves his legs. It does show definition so much better, but I don't mind hairy legs, either.
    2. I start at the ankle and go up to just before my knees. Then I do my knees... carefully. Then, if it's a special occasion, I'll even shave above my knees up to my *ahem* swimsuit area. That's a whole other thing.
    3. Good points: smooth feels better than hairy during intimate moments. Bad points: stubble, having to keep up with it.

    If you're going to shave, I would recommend using a lotion or conditioner before hand and slow, gentle strokes of the razor. Stop to rinse the razor often. Since your legs are probably pretty hairy right meow, perhaps trim it first with some scissors or an electric trimmer of some kind.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    1. What would you think of a guy like me laying next to you at the pool with legs closer shaved than yours?

    I don't know if I would notice, though I prefer more masculine qualities in my men and I'm not partial to them shaving anything ever except their faces.

    2. Where do you start - and how do you keep from slicing your legs up?

    At the ankle. Practice (and the right razor).

    3. Any other good / bad points about shaving your legs I haven't thought of?

    It's a bit of a PITA to keep up with and razor burn. Plus, the hair on legs grows in about 1,000 different directions, especially on the backs of the thighs, so getting them nice and smooth takes yoga-like flexibility.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    i dated a guy for a while that was a body builder, and he shaved his whole body. At first it was kind of weird, but I like the softness of it all :) #2, its all about the razor. You don't cut your face all up, right?? #3.. sucks to keep it up. I wish I didn't have to shave lol
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    1. What would you think of a guy like me laying next to you at the pool with legs closer shaved than yours?
    2. Where do you start - and how do you keep from slicing your legs up?
    3. Any other good / bad points about shaving your legs I haven't thought of?


    1) I haven't seen it much so honeslty I might think it was odd at first but then remember I've got a couple friends who are triathletes/body builders and they shave pretty much everything

    2) Start with your toes and move up. Don't try to rush or use an older razor or you WILL bleed. Slow and careful.

    3) If your leg hair is a bit long, you may actually want to trim it down before trying to shave it off or the razor will get gunked up quickly and it'll take forever. Be extra careful around the bony parts like ankles and knees - I aways nick one or the other even when I'm careful. Sometimes lotion can burn after shaving so use either baby oil or body butter to moisturize. Oh and run your hand along where you've gone over with the razor just to make sure you haven't missed anything. This helps especially with the back of the leg where it's hard to see unless you're super bendy.

    Good luck!