Need Support

I am two weeks in on healthy eating, under 1500 calories a day, 8 glasses of water a day and have been working out 5 days a week. I haven't lost anything not a single frustrated and don't want to eat junk...just looking for some support. :(


  • cindagrif
    cindagrif Posts: 60 Member
    I only lost 1/2 pound the first week and then 1 pound the second week. Just keep up the good work and it will show up on the scale. Just give yourself time!! It took time to put the weight on, it will take take time to get it off. I know you can do it!
  • cjenkins91
    cjenkins91 Posts: 92 Member
    Don't be discouraged - think about it as a marathon - not a sprint. Just keep logging every day, eating healthy choices and working out and you will see the change. This is a lifestyle change, not a quick diet. You can do it, for me the biggest thing was realizing that I'm gonna be doing this my whole life, eating healthy and exercising - so i don't need to see drastic changes over a week or two.. I'm in this for the long haul! Add me if you like, I log on every day and can help encourage you along your journey. :)
  • emmagiffard5
    emmagiffard5 Posts: 22 Member
    Keep going and you WILL reach your goal! You are doing good working out 5 times a week! Even if it hasn't shown on the scales you will be healthier and fitter inside so be proud of yourself and don't give up, you will soon start to see the results xx
  • MrsRosenow
    MrsRosenow Posts: 109 Member
    I took 3 weeks before I dropped anything! I actually gained weight the first week I started my journey and I WAS counting calories and staying under. This is going to be a journey and it's not all about sprinting to the finish line. Your body will get there you just have to keep up the hard work and give it the proper time it needs. You got this girl :)
    I sent you friend request- we can cheer each other on!
  • judyde
    judyde Posts: 401 Member
    I agree with others on sticking with it, it will go your way eventually. Two other things to think about:
    1.) Make sure your food entries are as accurate as possible, which can be hard if you are estimating. For example, we had pizza at work from a local place, and when I looked up a slice of large pepperoni pizza, there was a HUGE variation in the various brands. I tried to choose one I was familiar with, and close in size, thickness, etc. But if you are underestimating, your calorie count may be off.

    2.) Exercise - the exercise entries can be off as well. I'm kind of surprised when I enter some exercise that sometimes it seems awfully high for "gardening" or whatever I've done.

    Good luck!!!!
  • Thank you all. I needed to hear that im not alone.