On a gym buddy search...(south of Pittsburgh, PA)

I am going to join a local gym since it's been forever since I've been to one. The one I currently belong to is way too far away so I am going to join one that is local to me and non-contract. I am planning on getting into weightlifting and doing some cardio, and have been researching workout programs via bodybuilding.com and found a couple that sound like they'll work for me. I am planning on joining Belle Vernon Fitness Center and was wondering if there were any women that would like to become workout buddies? I tend to do better if I have someone I am going to the gym with. The last time I did this it fell through, but I am hoping I can have some luck this time! I want to start going to the gym next week. I'm sure it'll be packed with 'resolutioners' but it seems to be the best time that'll work money-wise to join.

Are there any ladies here that go there and would be interested in lifting/cardio/keeping me company? Let me know! Thanks. :)
