HELP: I can't eat healthy and work at the same time



  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    wdunnett1 wrote: »
    In the posters defense I work 12 hr shifts with no actual lunch break and it is federal law that allows this in my case

    First responder, I assume?
  • wdunnett1
    wdunnett1 Posts: 1,669 Member
    My advice is to get a good size protein shake in for breakfast in the morning (with whole wheat toast if need be) and then follow a semi-warrior style diet a la intermitent fasting til you can eat again
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    In any event...the entire discussion of state law, federal law, etc of US is immaterial as OP is in Australia.
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    There are many people in the world who work 12+ hour shifts, take care of kids, have hobbies, etc. and still manage to eat. When you want to do it badly enough you'll figure a way rather than making excuses.

    This is the honest, albeit blunt, truth.
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    walk down the line and put together a 600 calorie sandwich. Stuff it in your face, replace your gloves, and get back to work. :smiley:
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    Do we really have to educate an 18 year old gentleman from Queensland when to eat? I don't know what the impediment was prohibiting him from having more than just a chicken salad post 2:30 P.M. Methinks the gentleman just likes to whine.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    If you're old enough to hold a job aren't you old enough to figure out how to feed yourself?
  • jasmineruth
    jasmineruth Posts: 88 Member
    I don't usually eat lunch and somehow I've been losing weight or maintaining for two and a half years. Even if your not hungry in the morning have something quick and nutrient dense. Bring a 'lunch' with you to eat on your way home. Eat dinner at 6:30. Done. Boom. Three meals. Not to mention you could just eat one well rounded meal if that is your thing. Working at a job shouldn't stop you from eating healthy. Most of us work. At jobs. Lots of people pull 10/12 hour shifts with or without breaks.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    First of all, you're entitled to a break. If you're not getting one, your employer is breaching workplace laws.

    +1. Just because some people don't have breaks because they're not protected by laws doesn't mean it's a good idea or something to put up with, if you can avoid it (first responders obviously not in that category). It's reasonable for your employer to ask that you be available during busy times, but if you are not getting breaks at all, that's not right - or legal, in Australia, sounds like (I trust @Alatariel75 and other Ozzies know what they're talking about).

    If you are getting breaks and just not feeling hungry at those times, try to readjust that, if you find yourself feeling wonky. People do intermittent fasting, good if that works for you, but generally speaking people need energy to work, so it makes sense to eat for energy (for work). I'd make myself eat at 5am or at a downtime, even if I wasn't hungry, in order to have enough in the tank for the shift. Eventually your hunger cues will shift. Also - wait until you've eaten breakfast to have your coffee or tea, because caffeine's an appetite suppressant.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Vodka97 wrote: »
    SLLeask wrote: »
    I don't really understand. You finish work at 2.30pm? What do you do for the rest of the day? Why can't you have breakfast before you go to work (prepare the night before if necessary) and then have a meal at normal dinner time? I often don't eat until afternoon if I'm up and straight out or sometimes don't feel like lunch...

    I'm not hungry at 5AM, and then by the time I'm starting to get hungry until 9PM, but by that point I'm pretty busy so I don't really get a chance to stop and eat, I rarely get a break for lunch either, so by 2:30 I haven't eaten anything, and by the time I get home it's three and like, I can't eat a healthy amount of food in the 5 hours I'll be awake after that.

    I get not being hungry at 5 AM. I assume you mean you start getting hungry at 9 AM rather than 9 PM? Like other posters said, you could have some nuts or protein bars on hand for this. Also, I had a housemate in food service and she brought smoothies to work to sip on when she got the chance. You can make higher calorie smoothies by adding foods like peanut butter.
  • wdunnett1
    wdunnett1 Posts: 1,669 Member
    wdunnett1 wrote: »
    In the posters defense I work 12 hr shifts with no actual lunch break and it is federal law that allows this in my case

    First responder, I assume?

    Nuclear security officer, regulated by federal govt
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Vodka97 wrote: »
    SLLeask wrote: »
    I don't really understand. You finish work at 2.30pm? What do you do for the rest of the day? Why can't you have breakfast before you go to work (prepare the night before if necessary) and then have a meal at normal dinner time? I often don't eat until afternoon if I'm up and straight out or sometimes don't feel like lunch...

    I'm not hungry at 5AM, and then by the time I'm starting to get hungry until 9PM, but by that point I'm pretty busy so I don't really get a chance to stop and eat, I rarely get a break for lunch either, so by 2:30 I haven't eaten anything, and by the time I get home it's three and like, I can't eat a healthy amount of food in the 5 hours I'll be awake after that.

    This post is confusing. Is the problem that you think you are eating too little? In an earlier post you mentioned " I don't want to be stuck on 3000kj a day" so I thought you were having trouble not overeating.

    Why can't you eat a healthy amount of food in 5 hours? I could easily eat my entire day's worth of calories in one meal. In fact, I occasionally do just that. In 5 hours you could easily eat 2 meals. How many calories do you want to eat per day?
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    natboosh69 wrote: » law they have to give you at least a 20 min break for every 6 hours of work....

    Whose law is that? I don't know about where the OP is located, but in the USA there is no federal law requiring lunch or coffee breaks.

    If it is a Subway rule it is not a law.

    If you are interested you can click on the poster's profile and depend on their settings you can see their location. The OP is in Queensland Australia.
  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    Packerjohn wrote: »
    natboosh69 wrote: » law they have to give you at least a 20 min break for every 6 hours of work....

    Whose law is that? I don't know about where the OP is located, but in the USA there is no federal law requiring lunch or coffee breaks.

    If it is a Subway rule it is not a law.

    If you are interested you can click on the poster's profile and depend on their settings you can see their location. The OP is in Queensland Australia.

    I'm not the one that claimed it was a law without providing documentation supporting that claim. Many people assume there are laws that do not exist. If someone wants to claim a violation of law they need to supply documentation. I admited that I do not know the law in the OP's country.
  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    pondee629 wrote: »
    Do we really have to educate an 18 year old gentleman from Queensland when to eat? I don't know what the impediment was prohibiting him from having more than just a chicken salad post 2:30 P.M. Methinks the gentleman just likes to whine.
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    If you're old enough to hold a job aren't you old enough to figure out how to feed yourself?


  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    wdunnett1 wrote: »
    wdunnett1 wrote: »
    In the posters defense I work 12 hr shifts with no actual lunch break and it is federal law that allows this in my case

    First responder, I assume?

    Nuclear security officer, regulated by federal govt

    Yeah...don't take a break. please. ;)
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    If you're old enough to hold a job aren't you old enough to figure out how to feed yourself?

    Every single MFP member - hopefully all 18+ - has had to "figure out how to feed themselves" in new ways, and helping with that is why the community exists...
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    wdunnett1 wrote: »
    wdunnett1 wrote: »
    In the posters defense I work 12 hr shifts with no actual lunch break and it is federal law that allows this in my case

    First responder, I assume?

    Nuclear security officer, regulated by federal govt

    Yeah...don't take a break. please. ;)

    Also, maybe, don't let your blood sugar get too low
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    I'm very confused. OP are you struggling to eat enough? Are you losing weight too fast?
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    tomatoey wrote: »
    wdunnett1 wrote: »
    wdunnett1 wrote: »
    In the posters defense I work 12 hr shifts with no actual lunch break and it is federal law that allows this in my case

    First responder, I assume?

    Nuclear security officer, regulated by federal govt

    Yeah...don't take a break. please. ;)

    Also, maybe, don't let your blood sugar get too low

    Good call!
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Can you take salami sticks, flap jack, nuts etc with you? Then you can nibble them in between customers or even on loo breaks.

    If not you can just eat a lot of calories in a short space of time.
    I was snowed under at work today so I ended up not eating from 7pm last night until 6pm tonight and I still bust my calories by making higher calorie choices.