5 pounds overnight

The difference between yesterday and today is about 5 pounds. I know I ate a lot of salt yesterday but I am just so upset by the numbers. I weighed myself on 2 different scales this morning. I just want to cry. This is when I stop. This is when I say nothing will change for me. This is when I need a hand. This is when I want to give up. So, I'm here posting and hoping for some words of encouragement because I cannot seem to give myself the pep talk I need. Thanks All and have a great day!


  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    These fluctuations are normal. I was up 8 lbs on the 26th. Its water weight. There is no reason to fret over this. Why get upset over something you can't control? We all have scale fluctuations for many reasons .
    If this is enough to make you give up, youay not want this bad enough . drink your water and you'll be fine.
  • rebeccaj822
    rebeccaj822 Posts: 92 Member
    Right now is your moment to choose...be kind to yourself. You know it's not real. So don't keep saying negative stuff to yourself. Be kind to yourself....Stay on your plan, go for a walk, distract yourself with other stuff, have a 3 minute positive meditation on the benefits of what you are doing. Be kind to yourself....Don't let some scale number take control!!!!
  • raymozet
    raymozet Posts: 9 Member

    This article helped me put that pesky number in perspective.
  • madmooney
    madmooney Posts: 3 Member
    edited December 2015
    I can tell you that I have fluctuated as much as 11 pounds within a single 24 hour period.

    The only daily victories/numbers you should be tracking are:a) did I eat what I planned to eat b) did I exercise what I planned to exercise? All the other numbers (weight, measurements etc) will take care of themselves.

    Proper, sustainable change takes place over MANY days/weeks worth of time- measuring once per day will only confound your progress and give you a daily excuse to slip-up/quit.

    If you MUST weigh yourself, pick larger intervals.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Daily, even hourly, fluctuations are normal. If you can't handle them, weigh weekly or less.
  • timberowl
    timberowl Posts: 331 Member
    It's definitely water weight, or at least mostly (not sure what you ate yesterday). Could you be constipated? Not trying to be gross, but that can make a pretty big difference, and trying to increase your protein intake can sometimes cause it as a side effect. I recommend getting plenty of fiber, and doing some intense cardio to sweat some out some of that water/bloat. Either a long jog or some hot yoga.
  • JenR1008
    JenR1008 Posts: 36 Member
    The article and everyone's words help. After so many years of trying and failing. It just felt like failing again. I have to try to keep things in perspective. I knew that I ate a lot of salt yesterday. I also know that my pants are still too big. :smile: