Feeling like a failure ):



  • tialynn1
    tialynn1 Posts: 886 Member
    I don't always have time to walk after work. Our parking is terrible where I work, so I started coming in early and walk at work (before that, I exercised at home before I left). I really enjoy walking outside and I can easily get more walking in when I do that. But, when the weather is bad or rainy, I walk inside of the hospital on the first floor. I measured it, it is .2 miles. So, I do laps around it. Plus, I go up to another level and do 2 laps, plus down on our ground floor where the store is and cafeteria and walk through there. I don't like it as much, but at least I am getting walking in. I have met new people because of it, I have also motivated some people to do it, too.

    Also, don't be mad about the weight gain, it could have been something as simple as water weight.
  • dawningr
    dawningr Posts: 387 Member
    Walk at home. Leslie Sansone has walk away the pounds dvd's that are great for beginners. If you can't purchase them, check your local library and rent a few.

    Good luck!
  • kristendube
    when your done finding reasons to fail and making excuses your whole life will change i promise.. my biggest was 630lbs.. and now i have 60 more pounds to lose.. take charge of your life and make small changes..
  • ClareWantsProgress
    ClareWantsProgress Posts: 173 Member
    Add me to the list of people who walk laps around the office hallways (on a different floor - ha!) during my lunch break. It's far too hot and humid to walk outside when you have to dress professionally. I just keep a good pair of tennis shoes and socks at work and change into them. Even 10-15 minutes a day makes me feel like I've at least done SOMETHING.

    At home, I bought an inexpensive ($40) rock stepper that lets me "walk" in place in front of the TV, and I use that in the heat of summer and dead of winter - again, at least to get SOME activity in besides weight lifting.

    And yes, I have a long way to go.
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    Mall walking. It's indoors and plenty of malls have programs that allow you to walk around before the stores open.
    As for having people see you walk -- that you need to get over. I saw some people walking last night - I could not tell you what they looked like. I don't remember and I wasn't taking notes. For all I know it was the same person, who every time she walked around the block changed her outfit. If you are waiting for conditions to be perfect for you to work out, then you will have a long wait. Own your choice to do it and make it happen. Say yes to yourself.
  • beautifuldiskize
    I inboxed you :)
  • vawmcole
    vawmcole Posts: 1
    First off, do not feel like a failure. When you take on a negative mentality, you forget about the positive changes you have already made. Secondly, instead of focusing on the fact that you are uncomfortable exercising at this point, redirect that focus to your diet. Weight can still come off if you maintain a healthy diet. I am not the most active person, but I have lost over 6 pounds in two weeks just by measuring my food, filling up on healthier, low calorie choices and drinking large amounts of water. Losing these 6 pounds has stopped my back from hurting and I feel I am able to be more active. I hope this and all of the other posts help you in your quest to have a healthier life. Do not give up.
  • MaJacobs75
    MaJacobs75 Posts: 26
    I will tell you now, there will be some hard times staying in track. And when you do fall off the plan, its frustrating to get back to where you were at before. I've been doing a major roller coaster these past couple of years and stressing out over it because I just cant keep that motivation half the time.

    I've changed jobs and now working as a waitress at a restaurant and my body is not used to being constantly on the go and on my feet when I work 8 hrs. So of course I developed ankle and hip problems and that made me not want to go on my walks because I'm too soar to do anything after work. With any pain, its good to not overdo. Its also not good to not do anything either, just take it at a slower pace if you need to walk. If you got room in your home, I'd recommend getting a treadmill of some sort. That way you have the privacy in your own home, and they are a great help!

    I have one and I usually do an hours walk early in the morning if its really hot out, take a shower then get ready for work. Then after work, I do another hour walk later at night when its cooler and that would tire me out to I'd be able to sleep a little better. They are very handy, I recommend you looking into getting a treadmill. It would make things easier especially when its really hot outside.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I second the Leslie Sansone videos. You get a good workout from them and if there is something that is too strenuous on your joints then just walk in place. Just find a way to get moving.

    As far as weight loss, your focus for that should be in the kitchen. Make sure that you are using a food scale and measuring utensils to accurately count your calories.