I fell off the weight loss wagon when I wasn't paying attention

Hi, anyone else workout like crazy and find yourself spinning your wheels and getting no where, after losing 40+ pounds, I lost a very dear friend who was part of my weight loss story, I felt the depression coming on but kept on working out with my group of friends,but I slowly started eating all the wrong things now here I am 16 lbs up and having to kick it in to high gear. Its hard but I know I will be successful ads long as I start being honest with myself, that's what I love about my fitness pal it allows me to see exactly where that weight came from.


  • shll13
    shll13 Posts: 15 Member
    I hear you! I fell off that wagon too! Was maintaining my goal weight for 3 years.. Then my boyfriend came along & what?!?! 50lbs came along with him!! I'm going to add you! Let's get back on that wagon! Happy New Year! - Michele
  • missysuevest01
    missysuevest01 Posts: 5 Member
    sounds like a plan girl, I teach a fitness class but still the weight crept on with my depression then I got an office job which I hadn't had in like 10 years. Happy new year we can do this!