Starting over and keeping it off

I've lost 50 lbs thru weight watchers and once off I tried the diet myself and gained 50 + back. This time I'm simply using my fitness pal and joining a gym at the start of the new year. I'm using my treadmill right now. It would be nice to have friends and help thru my journey to finally stay fit. My body is not how I like it. I try to cook healthy but my boyfriend says healthy food tastes like cardboard lol.


  • gramarye
    gramarye Posts: 586 Member
    Are you substituting diet foods in your eating? Because I found that what has worked for me is to eat the same types of foods (meats cooked in butter, spaghetti, what-have-you) and simply reduce the amounts. Like, any reduced-fat dairy tastes so bad that you might as well not even bother. Everyone has a different path to more thoughtful eating habits and calorie restriction, but my survivorship bias is to recommend the "all things in moderate amounts" method.

    Like, I used to cook my chicken in about twice as much oil/butter as I do now, and ate a lot more of it. I added a lot of cheese to many things. It might be easier for both you and your boyfriend to enjoy if you're cooking for both.

    That said, if you like the food you're eating and he doesn't, he's an adult and perfectly capable of making his own food. :)
  • sportster883xl
    sportster883xl Posts: 4 Member
    I just got back on yesterday. Starting to eat veggies more often using wraps instead of bread so I can't put much in them. Also adding like lettuce tomato etc. also eating less than I was and giving up the ice cream
  • gramarye
    gramarye Posts: 586 Member
    Giving up ice cream is hard! I stopped eating it for a while until I had a better handle on portion control. Now I just weigh out a serving a bit at a time. (Basically, that's what I did with a lot of my favorite foods, lol.)

    Best of luck!
  • sportster883xl
    sportster883xl Posts: 4 Member
    Lol I'm going to use service sizes with everything
    How do I add people as friends on here?
  • gramarye
    gramarye Posts: 586 Member
    You can click a user's name under their profile picture to pull up their forum history. It's a little weird, lol. If you click their name at the top of that box, it'll take you to their profile page. There's a green "Add as Friend" button. Click that to send the request. :)
  • spicermommy
    spicermommy Posts: 3 Member
    I've gained back some weight also. My daughter is older now (almost 20) and I no longer feel obliged to cook for her and my hubby. FREE AT LAST! Time to eat for my own good health for a change - guilt free.