Help Me Select the Best HRM for Me

Hi, everyone!

I'm looking for a new HRM. I have used a Polar FT7 for almost 3 years, but it's become unreliable. It often drops to 00, jumps all around number-wise, or tells me to check the connection. I've tried all of the fixes I can find, but nothing has completely solved the issues. So, now that I have some leftover Christmas money, I'd just like to replace it. I would love some recommendations for watch/strap combos. I do not want an activity tracker, as I already have a FitBit Charge, so my main focus is something to wear during a workout. I don't want to replace my Fit Bit. I also don't want to spend hundreds of dollars either. I prefer to keep it under $175 if possible.

I typically walk, jog, or do some sort of aerobics. I also lift weights from time-to-time, but nothing beyond my dumbbells or kettlebell.

I know some people argue that HRMs are worthless. I'm not interested in responses telling me why I don't need one, just suggestions for brands or types. I find value in them, but I could use some help picking one that's reliable so I can get a decent calorie count (better than my own guestimation), heart rate reading, and time my workouts.

Thank you in advance for your help!


  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Given your activities then you could go very low cost, so FT4.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    edited December 2015
    You could pick up a chest strap monitor from Polar, Garmin, Wahoo, etc and use an app on your phone to track your HR. Most of those are under a hundred bucks and the apps are free.
  • dewd2
    dewd2 Posts: 2,445 Member
    The Polar H7 appears to be compatible with your existing watch. You can find them online for less than $70. The H7 can also be used with your smartphone and many exercise machines at the gym.
  • merryberry99
    merryberry99 Posts: 350 Member
    Thanks, everyone! I have considered the FT 4, so that might be a good option. I hadn't thought about buying a strap that syncs with my phone! I have some browsing to do now.
  • tcaley4
    tcaley4 Posts: 416 Member
    I have a Wahoo that I use to sync to MapMyRide, which then syncs with MFP. Been using it for almost 5 months now with no issues.
  • roobar323
    roobar323 Posts: 8 Member
    I've got a Wahoo Tickr X that gives me all sorts of info on running (Not sure what it means but the graphs look pretty) as well as storing the data to allow me to run without the phone and then log it to training peaks post run. The extra that makes me recommend it is rep counting and workouts through the wahoo fitness apps that have kept me on track with the strength workouts that I usually slack off on.
    It is a bit more money but as its dual band (bluetooth and ANT+) I've found it allows me to use it with both a garmin and just my phone.