Has Anyone Tried Herbalife Before?

If so why or why don't you like it?


  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Nope- biggest reason-the cost.
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    Nope. $$$ and you can lose weight simply by eating less than you burn and moving (exercise) a little more. CICO is free and not a gimmick.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    It's a scam scam scam.

    Don't waste your money on this crap, just track your calories.
  • Sunshine_Girlie
    Sunshine_Girlie Posts: 618 Member
    I tried it a couple years ago, but I would not recommend it. I did lose weight, but once I stopped using it, I gained it ALL and MORE back. Plus, there was this weird taste to it. I have seen others who have used it faithfully, but they haven't kept it off as they hoped.
  • melonaulait
    melonaulait Posts: 769 Member
    And some people had some serious health consequences from Herbalife http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19010564

    It's not worth risking your health for quick weight loss gimmicks.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    edited December 2015
    My mom got suckered into buying it at one of those Mall Kiosks. She them found out how much caffeine was in it and gave it to me. It tastes terrible but it's useful for staying awake for an extra hour of studying or what not.

    For weight loss, it's BS.
  • yepitsmiss
    yepitsmiss Posts: 10 Member
    I use it and love the shakes and supplements...has really helped with the post baby weight and my energy level...everyone of course has their own opinion which i completely respect but the cost is inexpensive even tho there are people and places that try to take advantage of the retail prices set in place by the company
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    osche731 wrote: »
    If so why or why don't you like it?

    I have not, even though I have tried other similar products before. All they ever did was take money out of my pocket, and I never lost weight because I ate too much.

    Have you tried it? Do you like it?
  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    edited December 2015
    Pyramid scheme. The person selling it to you can make serious money if you sign up to sell.
    The money is NOT made by really selling the products, its made by getting people to sign up.
    MLM. Do not get involved. Buy products from regular stores. Same thing.
  • whaddupw8loss
    whaddupw8loss Posts: 22 Member
    Yes, I love Herbalife, I don't love the cost. For some people, it's not easy to just eat fewer calories. Herbalife always managed to allow me to eat a deficit that I couldn't do by myself, and I rarely followed the shake, I just took the pills, and occasionally the shake. I went to Walmart the other day and found out they had a generic version of Herbalife called Omnihealth for 50 bucks. Since, I was never able to stay on Herbalife due to the cost, but I can manage 50. I'm NOT trying to sell Omnihealth, as normal individuals cannot become a part of the company to sell it. I always lost weight on Herbalife, and I've lost over 10 pounds in less than a month doing Omnihealth. I just bought another batch, and it is sustainable for me, as I don't live off the shake. I eat REAL food.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Its a multi level marketing scam. Its low quality products , with a high cost.
    Anyone can sell Herbalife, shakeology, it works and all those mlm crap peddling companies. They have no special training in health or nutrition. The only thing they are trained on is how to sell their products to niave people . they market this stuff to desperate niave people who believe there is some secret to weight loss and overall health.
    News flash, there is no quick fix. There is no easy way out ( if there was, I would've taken it!! Lol ) if you want to reach your goals, you must work for it. For weight loss, all you need is calorie deficit. If you want to take supplements, you can go to your local store and buy better quality stuff for half the price.
  • whaddupw8loss
    whaddupw8loss Posts: 22 Member
    I've tried every supplement remotely close to the ones I find in Herbalfie, or now Omnihealth. I'm not talking vitamins, of course you can get them cheaper than any weight loss system sells them for, I'm talking about the appetite suppressants and such, which I've only found success in Herbalife or Omnihealth. I've bought cheaper, quality ones, which are still sitting on my counter from 6 months ago, because they didn't work. I don't care if it's a scam, or if it is to get rich. EVEN MFP makes money, and people use it. If it works for people, it works for people.
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    Its a multi level marketing scam. Its low quality products , with a high cost.
    Anyone can sell Herbalife, shakeology, it works and all those mlm crap peddling companies. They have no special training in health or nutrition. The only thing they are trained on is how to sell their products to niave people . they market this stuff to desperate niave people who believe there is some secret to weight loss and overall health.
    News flash, there is no quick fix. There is no easy way out ( if there was, I would've taken it!! Lol ) if you want to reach your goals, you must work for it. For weight loss, all you need is calorie deficit. If you want to take supplements, you can go to your local store and buy better quality stuff for half the price.

  • cwagar123
    cwagar123 Posts: 195 Member
    Have never tried it... would never try it.
  • Bbeliever215
    Bbeliever215 Posts: 234 Member
    edited December 2015
    Yes, I love Herbalife, I don't love the cost. For some people, it's not easy to just eat fewer calories. Herbalife always managed to allow me to eat a deficit that I couldn't do by myself, and I rarely followed the shake, I just took the pills, and occasionally the shake. I went to Walmart the other day and found out they had a generic version of Herbalife called Omnihealth for 50 bucks. Since, I was never able to stay on Herbalife due to the cost, but I can manage 50. I'm NOT trying to sell Omnihealth, as normal individuals cannot become a part of the company to sell it. I always lost weight on Herbalife, and I've lost over 10 pounds in less than a month doing Omnihealth. I just bought another batch, and it is sustainable for me, as I don't live off the shake. I eat REAL food.

    Just curious...Once you lose the weight, how will you manage? I say this because you stated you could never manage to eat at a deficit. Wouldn't it be better to learn so that you can ensure success?
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I've tried every supplement remotely close to the ones I find in Herbalfie, or now Omnihealth. I'm not talking vitamins, of course you can get them cheaper than any weight loss system sells them for, I'm talking about the appetite suppressants and such, which I've only found success in Herbalife or Omnihealth. I've bought cheaper, quality ones, which are still sitting on my counter from 6 months ago, because they didn't work. I don't care if it's a scam, or if it is to get rich. EVEN MFP makes money, and people use it. If it works for people, it works for people.
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    Its a multi level marketing scam. Its low quality products , with a high cost.
    Anyone can sell Herbalife, shakeology, it works and all those mlm crap peddling companies. They have no special training in health or nutrition. The only thing they are trained on is how to sell their products to niave people . they market this stuff to desperate niave people who believe there is some secret to weight loss and overall health.
    News flash, there is no quick fix. There is no easy way out ( if there was, I would've taken it!! Lol ) if you want to reach your goals, you must work for it. For weight loss, all you need is calorie deficit. If you want to take supplements, you can go to your local store and buy better quality stuff for half the price.

    Good luck with your multi level marketing scam then. I never said mfp didn't make money. They clearly do, but they aren't selling low quality products and preying on niave. If the placebo effect works for you, then that's great ! But there are certainly better quality products out there for much less of a cost. But again, if they work for you then that's wonderful ! But I certainly wouldn't take them even if they where free.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Nope. It's a MLM. It's not designed to make regular people healthy, or rich. It's just a new incarnation of the same ole scam.
  • Stephanie3399
    Stephanie3399 Posts: 40 Member
    I've never tried Herbalife, but I love Advocare. I don't know much about Herbalife's marketing and income plans, but Advo isn't a pyramid scheme. And, their products are top notch and work great!
  • choirgeekfolife
    choirgeekfolife Posts: 2 Member
    I love Herbalife.
    If you're on the go, it's great. I lost ten pounds in two months having two shakes a day. And they're yummu. Tea burns calories when you drink it. I still have a shake now and then for dinner cause I don't need extra fuel after work since I exercise in the morning.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    It works if you want to drink two shakes a day the rest of your life. I am a rep and I am even saying that. I only do a breakfast shake because it's easy or one for lunch if im busy or lazy. I do like their tea and celluloss and some other products but generally the weight loss is just like any other meal replacement. You quit doing it and the weight comes back.
  • JesmineDNCS
    JesmineDNCS Posts: 41 Member
    I have tried it, you will lose weight but just because you're consuming less calories throughout the day by replacing meals with the shakes. Not sustainable long term, I'm losing weight now just by CICO and planning my meals. A lot cheaper than Herbalife and I'm learning to eat within my calorie 'budget' rather than relying on shakes.