I'm 5'9" ..what's a good goal weight?

bsbprincess Posts: 161 Member
edited December 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
So I'm currently at 189, and my body fat % is 40!! I've heard about 20% is healthy for my age range (I'm 29).. Are there any ladies here that are 5'9" and are at goal? Anyone know what a good goal weight is? I set it at 150 for now but I was working out and doing well before and at 161 I still felt pretty fat. Back then I didn't have the Aria scale so I have no idea what body fat % was..

Any advice?


  • jesguinn
    jesguinn Posts: 94 Member
    I'm 5'10" and my stated goal is 160, but it really is more a matter of body composition than weight. Right now I'm probably 167, if I had to guess (not weighing until Monday so my body can lose that holiday bloat!) Based on your comment that you still felt fat at 161, it sounds like body composition is probably a better focus for you than weight. When you think about how you want your body to look and feel, what does that look like? For me, it's lean and toned without any jiggly parts. I've been there at 167 pounds before, and had other times that I weighed 157 and was still a bit squishy. My advice would be to keep within your daily calorie goals, but to incorporate some strength training to tighten and tone.
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    No idea but I like this site:


    You can search by height & weight, see real people results and read how long they how long it took and what they did.
  • starwhisperer6
    starwhisperer6 Posts: 402 Member
    I am a little over 5'9 I am at 148 right now, and aiming for 140. But honestly when I hit that I want to gain a bit back in muscle. If I end where I am now but it is less chub and more muscle I am not concerned by the weight much. Healthy for our height is between 130 and 165 I think.
  • bsbprincess
    bsbprincess Posts: 161 Member
    edited December 2015
    jesguinn wrote: »
    I'm 5'10" and my stated goal is 160, but it really is more a matter of body composition than weight. Right now I'm probably 167, if I had to guess (not weighing until Monday so my body can lose that holiday bloat!) Based on your comment that you still felt fat at 161, it sounds like body composition is probably a better focus for you than weight. When you think about how you want your body to look and feel, what does that look like? For me, it's lean and toned without any jiggly parts. I've been there at 167 pounds before, and had other times that I weighed 157 and was still a bit squishy. My advice would be to keep within your daily calorie goals, but to incorporate some strength training to tighten and tone.

    Thank you!! Yeah I was doing videos like Jillian Michaels and stuff, but I think maybe I needed to keep going even though I stopped losing. I got really frustrated with a stuck scale and let it all go... sigh. I dream of being fit, healthy, lean with some muscle of course. I don't want to be frail and with my loose skin already showing, toning would be amazing.

    strong_curves, thanks!! I'll check that out!!

    EDIT: wwoooooowwww these 5'9" girls at 150 are perfection. My dream body. I must have had a lot of body fat left at 161.
  • vespiquenn
    vespiquenn Posts: 1,455 Member

    So I am 5'9" and the two pictures can kind of help estimate body fat %. It's never completely accurate, but it's a start. The first picture was 174lbs and I would guesstimate about 30%. The second is my most recent at 153lbs and approximately 24-26% based on a few different measurement methods. I'm also aiming for at least 20-21%.

    If you're truly trying to lower your body fat, the best way to do it, in addition to a calorie deficit, is lift heavy. Start a progressive program and go from there. It'll help sustain lean muscle mass as you lose fat. That way, you won't get the skinny fat look.
  • bsbprincess
    bsbprincess Posts: 161 Member
    edited December 2015
    Thank you!!! You look amazing! That's really helpful info, greatly appreciated <3
  • bsbprincess
    bsbprincess Posts: 161 Member
    By lift heavy, how much do you lift? I used 5lbs with those videos and then worked up to 7lbs. I never really used weights aside from the workout videos, and you can't really do her moves with really heavy weights. Should I focus on weight time without workout videos too?
  • vespiquenn
    vespiquenn Posts: 1,455 Member
    edited December 2015
    By lift heavy, how much do you lift? I used 5lbs with those videos and then worked up to 7lbs. I never really used weights aside from the workout videos, and you can't really do her moves with really heavy weights. Should I focus on weight time without workout videos too?

    If you google strong lifts 5x5, that's a good lifting program for example. But your small weights at home can be useful for maybe tricep workouts but not a whole ton more when it comes to lifting progressively. The progressive means that you continue to add weight (usually 5lbs). I will admit that I am no master to weightlifting myself because I just began a few months ago, but if at all possible, I recommend a low-gimmick gym just to get your hands on the weights. That way, you can also get visuals on proper form and ask questions if necessary.

    Edit; I want to add that I was terrified of the gym and lifting weights. But I finally sucked it up and knew it had to be done. The progress is awesome from that alone.
  • se015
    se015 Posts: 583 Member
    vespiquenn wrote: »

    So I am 5'9" and the two pictures can kind of help estimate body fat %. It's never completely accurate, but it's a start. The first picture was 174lbs and I would guesstimate about 30%. The second is my most recent at 153lbs and approximately 24-26% based on a few different measurement methods. I'm also aiming for at least 20-21%.

    If you're truly trying to lower your body fat, the best way to do it, in addition to a calorie deficit, is lift heavy. Start a progressive program and go from there. It'll help sustain lean muscle mass as you lose fat. That way, you won't get the skinny fat look.

    Is it weird that I like the picture on the left better than the one on the right? I mean if you're happy than don't listen to me, but I think your body looks sexier in the picture on the left which I'm assuming is the before one? Just thought I'd share my opinion.
  • bsbprincess
    bsbprincess Posts: 161 Member
    vespiquenn wrote: »
    Edit; I want to add that I was terrified of the gym and lifting weights. But I finally sucked it up and knew it had to be done. The progress is awesome from that alone.

    Thanks!! I wasn't sure what that meant. We have a local YMCA me and my fiance want to join once we can afford it (hopefully in a couple months) and that would give me access to lots of equipment and weights.

  • vespiquenn
    vespiquenn Posts: 1,455 Member
    Seth1825 wrote: »
    vespiquenn wrote: »

    So I am 5'9" and the two pictures can kind of help estimate body fat %. It's never completely accurate, but it's a start. The first picture was 174lbs and I would guesstimate about 30%. The second is my most recent at 153lbs and approximately 24-26% based on a few different measurement methods. I'm also aiming for at least 20-21%.

    If you're truly trying to lower your body fat, the best way to do it, in addition to a calorie deficit, is lift heavy. Start a progressive program and go from there. It'll help sustain lean muscle mass as you lose fat. That way, you won't get the skinny fat look.

    Is it weird that I like the picture on the left better than the one on the right? I mean if you're happy than don't listen to me, but I think your body looks sexier in the picture on the left which I'm assuming is the before one? Just thought I'd share my opinion.

    Good thing my body isn't here to impress you. :wink: Didn't your mother ever teach you that if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all?
  • srecupid
    srecupid Posts: 660 Member
    I used the high end of normal bmi for starters and subtracted 10 pounds so i'd be somewhere closer to the middle. We'll see when i get there. I would like to get a body fat test done though.
  • vespiquenn
    vespiquenn Posts: 1,455 Member
    vespiquenn wrote: »
    Edit; I want to add that I was terrified of the gym and lifting weights. But I finally sucked it up and knew it had to be done. The progress is awesome from that alone.

    Thanks!! I wasn't sure what that meant. We have a local YMCA me and my fiance want to join once we can afford it (hopefully in a couple months) and that would give me access to lots of equipment and weights.

    Yeah definitely do it when you have access to it. The nice thing about the YMCA is that they usually have one person around that's better trained with the equipment if you have questions, which definitely helps with the beginner jitters. Or I should say that I know they used to, and I'm assuming they still do at some point. :smile:

  • owen1826
    owen1826 Posts: 53 Member
    Seth1825 wrote: »
    vespiquenn wrote: »

    So I am 5'9" and the two pictures can kind of help estimate body fat %. It's never completely accurate, but it's a start. The first picture was 174lbs and I would guesstimate about 30%. The second is my most recent at 153lbs and approximately 24-26% based on a few different measurement methods. I'm also aiming for at least 20-21%.

    If you're truly trying to lower your body fat, the best way to do it, in addition to a calorie deficit, is lift heavy. Start a progressive program and go from there. It'll help sustain lean muscle mass as you lose fat. That way, you won't get the skinny fat look.

    Is it weird that I like the picture on the left better than the one on the right? I mean if you're happy than don't listen to me, but I think your body looks sexier in the picture on the left which I'm assuming is the before one? Just thought I'd share my opinion.

    Lol I think it's just because she's wearing a bikini in one.
    And Vespi don't take offense- I'm a girl and sometimes I think that too when I see before pics, it doesn't mean he thinks your body is only there to be sexy for him!
  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    So I'm currently at 189, and my body fat % is 40!! I've heard about 20% is healthy for my age range (I'm 29).. Are there any ladies here that are 5'9" and are at goal? Anyone know what a good goal weight is? I set it at 150 for now but I was working out and doing well before and at 161 I still felt pretty fat. Back then I didn't have the Aria scale so I have no idea what body fat % was..

    Any advice?

    Definitely want to get under 30% BF and reconsider from there.
  • bsbprincess
    bsbprincess Posts: 161 Member
    Thanks all for the help. And vespi, to be honest I love your after. It's like "life goals" for me! Congrats on your hard work!
  • vespiquenn
    vespiquenn Posts: 1,455 Member
    owen1826 wrote: »
    Seth1825 wrote: »
    vespiquenn wrote: »

    So I am 5'9" and the two pictures can kind of help estimate body fat %. It's never completely accurate, but it's a start. The first picture was 174lbs and I would guesstimate about 30%. The second is my most recent at 153lbs and approximately 24-26% based on a few different measurement methods. I'm also aiming for at least 20-21%.

    If you're truly trying to lower your body fat, the best way to do it, in addition to a calorie deficit, is lift heavy. Start a progressive program and go from there. It'll help sustain lean muscle mass as you lose fat. That way, you won't get the skinny fat look.

    Is it weird that I like the picture on the left better than the one on the right? I mean if you're happy than don't listen to me, but I think your body looks sexier in the picture on the left which I'm assuming is the before one? Just thought I'd share my opinion.

    Lol I think it's just because she's wearing a bikini in one.
    And Vespi don't take offense- I'm a girl and sometimes I think that too when I see before pics, it doesn't mean he thinks your body is only there to be sexy for him!

    I'm sorry, but do not tell me what I should find offensive or not. His comment was unwarranted, as is yours. Neither contribute to the question that was asked by the OP. So I would appreciate that what this random dude finds sexy or not about my body no longer be a side tracked conversation in this thread.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    @rabbitjb you're 5'8", right?
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    Back on topic - Vespiquenn is right, look into a progressive load program like strong lifts, strong curves or new rules of lifting for women. If you don't have access to equipment right now look into body weight programs like you are your own gym or convict conditioning.

    And Vespi - you rule sweetie <3
  • bsbprincess
    bsbprincess Posts: 161 Member
    Back on topic - Vespiquenn is right, look into a progressive load program like strong lifts, strong curves or new rules of lifting for women. If you don't have access to equipment right now look into body weight programs like you are your own gym or convict conditioning.

    And Vespi - you rule sweetie <3

    This? https://itunes.apple.com/ca/app/bodyweight-training-you-are/id416981420?mt=8 Looks good!!