any little tips?



  • _crafty_
    _crafty_ Posts: 1,682 Member
    "Just the Tip" is not effective nor desirable.


    I dunno guys. What if you're in the mood to lick something and you're all out of popsicles?
  • Scubanana7
    Scubanana7 Posts: 361 Member
    Love those quest bars. But I also researched good snack bar type recipes and make my own healthy ones! have good snack options and drink up the water and unsweetened tea. you have to readjust your taste buds, but it works and I now love unsweetened tea over diet coke any day! If you drink beer, just remember how you had to learn to drink beer! lol
  • zenalasca
    zenalasca Posts: 563 Member
    It all depends on your situation, really. If you've got your own house, car, job and stuff, your challenges are going to be different to that of a uni student who doesn't have a car and does part time work at a chocolate bar (namely, me). But there are some things I've worked out that I could help...

    - Buy LOTS of fruit to snack on throughout the week. Strawberries, apricots, and rock melon are all low calorie.
    - Buy LOTS of vegetables to have with your lasagnas, pizzas, sausages, etc. That way, you can have a small portion of an ordinary meal along with steamed veg and feel full as well as satisfied, without breaking calorie budgets.
    - The more veg you buy and experiment with, the more enjoyable vegetables become. There are tons of threads on MFP about that.
    - When you've at the supermarket checkout, chuck out the junk you've accumulated through impulse.
    - When you eat out and not sure about calories, only eat half of the serving. If you're worried about wasting money, well, tbh, $5 for a 700 calorie burger is less value than $5 for a 350 calorie meal.
    - Walk, walk, walk!
    - Get involved, join clubs and stuff. Have fun.
    - Get a pedometer to track your walking, preferably one that also tracks calories.
    - Schedule times when you're going to eat, make a big deal out of every meal so it's not just about "grabbing something."
    - Love good food, don't tolerate poor quality food.
    - If you need quick fix meals look into low calorie soups and salads available at supermarkets.
    - Frozen meals are a minefield... Most of them aren't actually very low calorie and they're not very filling. So if you're tempted to get them, always get the lowest calorie ones.
    - If you have something like noodles or pasta, have spinach, silverbeet or kale with it to bulk it up and make it more filling so you eat less pasta/noodles.
    - Make the focus of your shopping to buy foods that will aid your progress.
    - Distract yourself with journal writing or a good book.... Or WTG! A game! Have a little fun...
    - Distract yourself with MFP forums... haha.
    - Investigate all forms of exercise/sports/activity and find what suits you. Perhaps you've been slaving at the gym and hating it when your real passion is roller skating??
    - Avoid binge triggers, such as certain foods or events that cause you to overeat.
    - If you're at a party or some food event, or buffet, sample the food but never take more than a small amount. You're there to enjoy the food, not to abstain OR gorge yourself.
    - Portion out foods after shopping.
    - Try to meet nutrition goals. Even if you lower sugar intake and try to incorporate other foods, I find calorie deficits are automatically easier (it's just the incidental sweets that are a problem with me haha).
    - Take it one day at a time.

    Good luck ;)
  • Paco4gsc
    Paco4gsc Posts: 119 Member
    - Distract yourself with MFP forums... haha.

    This actually helped me a lot. There's a lot of good information and advice on here that cleared up a lot of misconceptions that I had on fitness, nutrition, and weight loss. There's also quite a bit of misleading and wrong info floating around here too so learning to sift the good from the bad with a little independent research is also helpful. The success stories are pretty motivating too.