New here again

Hey everyone. I am starting back after letting myself go for about a year. Two years ago I lost 38 lbs in 5 months just by changing my diet. Then the dreaded plateau hit and I lost my motivation. Fast forward to last year...I gained all the weight back that I lost plus about 25 additional pounds. I'm at my heaviest in my life. In mid July my husband and I started back going to a local gym after not going for about 8 months. I made a mistake and started off where I last ended at the gym which resulted in a stress fracture of my left lower leg. 2 months in a walking boot and 2 months of non weight bearing has taken a toll on me. Never before have I been this out of shape or deconditioned. But, I'm back. My husband and I are starting back at the gym on Monday and I'll be taking baby steps this time. I've made a list of healthy foods that I like and will be getting my food scale out of hiding. Wish me luck.
