New and looking for friends!

Hey everyone!
I'm Samantha and this is my second attempt at using mfp to lose weight. I lost motivation last time because I got discouraged over not being able to finish my diary every day because mfp said I hadn't eaten enough. When I wasn't hungry.

Basically I am trying to lose about 160 pounds. I'm a cook and I waitress so I'm on my feet a lot. I'm also working through a knee injury.
I'm a massive bookworm and I spend most of my time reading or netflixing. Getting off the couch will probably be my biggest struggle.
I also vape 24/7 and hope that vaping more deserty/junk food flavors will help curb my sweet tooth.
Looking for friends with similar weight loss goals, other vapors, others in the same industry, and anyone in similar fandoms (Harry potter, Disney, vampire diaries, OUAT, divergent, etc.)


  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,237 MFP Moderator
    What is OUAT? I'm with you on the others, but you lost me there.

    And welcome back to MFP.
  • bookwormvapette
    bookwormvapette Posts: 7 Member
    OUAT is once upon a time. Highly addicting tv show
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,237 MFP Moderator
    Ah - I've managed to not get sucked into that one, but that's probably only because I rarely have time to watch TV. :)
  • PaigeInTechnicolor
    PaigeInTechnicolor Posts: 164 Member
    Hey everyone!
    I'm Samantha and this is my second attempt at using mfp to lose weight. I lost motivation last time because I got discouraged over not being able to finish my diary every day because mfp said I hadn't eaten enough. When I wasn't hungry.

    Basically I am trying to lose about 160 pounds. I'm a cook and I waitress so I'm on my feet a lot. I'm also working through a knee injury.
    I'm a massive bookworm and I spend most of my time reading or netflixing. Getting off the couch will probably be my biggest struggle.
    I also vape 24/7 and hope that vaping more deserty/junk food flavors will help curb my sweet tooth.
    Looking for friends with similar weight loss goals, other vapors, others in the same industry, and anyone in similar fandoms (Harry potter, Disney, vampire diaries, OUAT, divergent, etc.)

    How is the vaping desserty flavors working for you? I am usually a tea and flower flavors girl, but might need a good vanilla ice cream flavor...
  • bookwormvapette
    bookwormvapette Posts: 7 Member
    paige55555 wrote: »
    Hey everyone!
    I'm Samantha and this is my second attempt at using mfp to lose weight. I lost motivation last time because I got discouraged over not being able to finish my diary every day because mfp said I hadn't eaten enough. When I wasn't hungry.

    Basically I am trying to lose about 160 pounds. I'm a cook and I waitress so I'm on my feet a lot. I'm also working through a knee injury.
    I'm a massive bookworm and I spend most of my time reading or netflixing. Getting off the couch will probably be my biggest struggle.
    I also vape 24/7 and hope that vaping more deserty/junk food flavors will help curb my sweet tooth.
    Looking for friends with similar weight loss goals, other vapors, others in the same industry, and anyone in similar fandoms (Harry potter, Disney, vampire diaries, OUAT, divergent, etc.)

    How is the vaping desserty flavors working for you? I am usually a tea and flower flavors girl, but might need a good vanilla ice cream flavor...

    The desert flavors actually made me no longer enjoy similar foods. Like I have a strawberry pop tart flavor and pot tarts no longer taste right to me.
    Independent vapor company Cream Supreme Vanilla
    Super charged heaven the GOAT
    Detroit under ground Eloise
    All great vanilla ice cream flavors