I work 12 hour shifts- any tips/ meal ideas to help me lose weight?!



  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    I make stuff in batches on the weekend (quinoa, grilled chicken breast) and make little mini-meals I can microwave during the day by adding beans and veggies. I also have a couple protein shakes on hand and other snacks like nuts and protein bars.

    I eat many mim-meals. MFP has a max of six, so sometimes I need to combine them depending on my day.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    My_Butt wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    I think planing ahead is key. Try to stick to healthy snack but beware of the sugar in fruits. Don't just snack on bananas each time you feel peckish. That's what I'm trying to do...

    My_Butt advice to precut the veggies the day before is a great tip I'm going to try to apply to my food prep!

    Nothing wrong with fruit or sugar.

    I thought the same. I eat a lot of fruit. I always feel super energized if I go over my sugar and carbs because of fruit.

    Nothing wrong with fruits and sugar?

    Well, sugar in moderation, like everything else, is awesome, but if you eat 7 bananas a day and gorge on other sweet fruits, I can assure you you won't lose weight. I know I didn't. I am not saying to ban fruits, but just bring mindful about how many portions of fruits you get per day.

    Weightloss comes from a calorie deficit. Yes, you can run a calorie surplus with eating fruit. Just because it is healthy does not mean you don't have to watch the calories in fruit.

    That being said-it was the calorie, not the sugar, in the fruit that caused you not to lose weight.

    Once again-nothing wrong with fruit or sugar.