Did maintenance (reaching your goal) meet your expectations?



  • Fursian
    Fursian Posts: 526 Member
    @CorvusCorax77, @VeryKatie, @dopeysmelly, @PamOliva, @_0o0o0o_, @ilovesweeties, @mamadon, @rainbow198, @jarablue, @Dreysander, @MissSphinx, @Francl27, @lyttlewon, @middlehaitch, and @bunnypy, many thanks for your posts!

    Your posts have all been incredibly helpful! I bookmarked. :)
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I was a periodic yo yo dieter with long periods at a decent weight. When I started MFP I wanted to stop that. It's only been three years of maintaining, but I felt I'd changed my approach when I reached my goal. And with the lifestyle change, I ended up losing an additional 2 sizes at my maintenance weight.

    So, yes, I'd say, it's what I wanted and I'm pleased to have gotten there. Probably the best part is being able to focus on the rest of my life. :)
  • PamOliva
    PamOliva Posts: 101 Member
    _0o0o0o_ wrote: »
    Basically: Yes. Reaching my goal did indeed meet my expectations physically. This doesn’t mean that my body is perfect now, though, because I never expected perfection, just a certain level of improvement.

    Maintenance has been surprisingly OK, but emotionally it hasn’t been easy to switch from hyper-focus on my weight and eating towards a more holistic approach to improving my life. I think one needs to be hyper-focused on weight loss to lose successfully, but this is ultimately unsustainable. When I was in the weight loss bubble, I felt pretty successful about my life and like I could achieve things that I set my mind to. Once I started coming out of this and tackling issues in other areas I lost some of that confidence and sense of purpose. I tried making new body improvement goals to keep me on track, but I haven't been successful sticking to those. I've mostly been working on other parts of my life, but trying not to gain in the meantime.

    In the end, weight loss is important and it will absolutely improve your life if you get into a normal weight range, but it won’t solve all your issues, and you may have to face the music: your weight is/was not to blame for everything you are/were unsatisfied about.

    Very well stated. Agree with this. I felt a little lost after reaching goal and started feeling a little disappointed in the rest of my life. That has evened out now and I've become more used to this "new normal." It helps to keep my food and fitness a high priority b/c it improves my mood. But sometimes I wonder if my focus here is a way to avoid working on other things too.
  • pobalita
    pobalita Posts: 741 Member
    For me, it never ends. Besides the cut and bulk cycles, there's the endless goal setting of athletic pursuits. And, my weight requirements might be different. So, it changes; ebbs and flows. So, I've never been able to sit back and take it easy. It's constant.

    This. There is no maintenance for me. There's always a longer trail to run, higher hill to climb, or bigger weight to lift. My pursuit of health and fitness has truly become a part of my life. (I've kept it off for over 6 years.)
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    When I first started losing, I thought: when I hit 'X' pounds, I'll be so happy and my life will be perfect! As I got smaller, I realized this wasn't going to be true. I had to work on my body and my mind... a huge task, but so worth it.

    When I reached my goal weight, I realized I wasn't done losing. It's hard to set a goal weight when you have no idea what that will look like on you! I'm not disappointed, just still learning!
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    Maintenance happened rather quickly for me. When I started logging 955 days ago, I didn't even think I needed to lose weight, but lost about 15lbs over a few months by analyzing my diet, becoming appalled at the volume of unbalanced calories, sodium, and sugar I was consuming, and making some changes. Since then, I've been roughly the same weight (168lbs), plus or minus 5lbs.
  • toofatnomore
    toofatnomore Posts: 206 Member
    I guess so...I hit goal, stopped logging, maintained for a couple months, forgot what got me there and gained 15 of my 50 lost in 2 months...So guess what? Back to NON maintenance for a while and a different approach once I lose the 15lbs I put back on. I think I knew this was going to happen so I got what I expected! I guess there is a lesson in this message somewhere...lol
  • Maries_wine_calories
    Maintenance has been an interesting journey in itself!! I am sitting about 7lbs below where I originally thought my maintenance number would be: low 160's was my guess weight. I continued to lose after starting maintenance while I figured out my true activity level with the help of my fitbit. Turns out I'm in a great caloric burn range most of the day at work and it's rewarding to see some muscle tone now that the flab is lifted from the majority of my body. I'm happy in this range of 153-157 and in a size 8/10 that looks healthy on my 42 year old self. It is very motivating to continue to move more and allow myself to eat more of what I like when I like. Best of luck to you, and don't forget to take your measurements!!
  • abowersgirl
    abowersgirl Posts: 3,409 Member
    Work on your self esteem and self image seperate from your weight loss/matenance ideas! i lost over 70 pounds and was five to seven pounds over my goal weight. I exercised regularly, took my measurements (which could really be a lot easier on your mental health than weighing yourself alone) but still every time i looked in the mirror i still saw the over 70 pound person i once was regardless of what my scale, cloths and measurements where suggesting. Even though i did everything properly i still had self esteem issues and self imaging issues. I suggest work on "loving yourself" initiative while you work on loosing the weight or else your mental state could counteract the reality of your accomplishments which will lead to feelings of sadness and such. After you can "loosen up" on the strictest of your diet (within reason) while still keeping a close eye on your eating habits. And remember diets really aren't for loosing weight, its a help for healthier lifestyle choices which will be for LIFE or else you risk regaining.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    In 2014 I reached goal weight after 4 months of hard work and 25 pounds lost. I was thrilled and gradually stopped logging since "I got this". I regained 20 pounds in 5 months. It took me another 8 months to restart.

    Second time around I'm on month 7 with 4 pounds to go to 120 (5'2"). I'm adding calories to slow my weight loss from 3# a month to 2. Am I at maintenance? Pretty close. I'm trying to go slower. I like how my clothes fit. Since I've worked out my whole life it's hard to make workout goals. At 61, I just want to maintain and not yo-yo.

    I'm happy in this weight range but with aging we can get complacent. I've fought to maintain my weight my whole life, but in the last decade, was losing that fight for the first time in my life. I want to show to myself, that it can be done. Getting older doesn't have to mean you are expected to have a wide middle and be out of shape :smile: .
  • BernieMBurke
    BernieMBurke Posts: 206 Member
    Just reached my UGW (ultimate Goal Weight on Saturday). I've been at this for 10 months and have lost 80 lbs. I've switched from losing .5 lbs a week to maintaining a couple of weeks ago. Am I happy? Yes, but I now need to start a re-comp. I still have some belly that needs to be tightened up. Still, at 58, 5'10", male, and 170 lbs., I can't complain.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    For me, it was more of a range I hoped to reach. And that is still somewhat overweight (150-170 range for 5'8" female). But I'm very happy here and now working hard to stay on track. I lost my footing quite a bit last Fall and didn't gain much, but have realized that at my current "maintenance" size, 5-8 lb is a LOT. In the past when I was close to (and once over) 300 lb, gaining or losing 10 lb or even 20 lb was barely noticeable at all. Now 5 lb can seriously be the difference between looking amazing (to myself) in a dress and looking (to myself) almost like I never even lost any weight at all because of the way it hugs the smallest bulge. It's a bit unsettling but I am 99% happy. I admit that a full year of logging my food and doing normal activities/exercise resulted in a loss of just a few pounds, I started to lose motivation. But I always seem to get it back. I want to be, and stay, where I feel great.

    As for expectations...I really didn't expect to even reach my goal range. I never expected to achieve some "perfect" body or have zero loose skin and tight abs and so forth. So for me, the imperfections are not an issue or problem even. Instead I'm thrilled with unexpected plusses like loving my legs and being shocked at the narrowness of my natural waist...stuff like that. I think individual expectations have a lot to do with one's feelings of success or failure. I have friends who (like me) used to be a size 24+ and are now size 10 but still want to get to size 4-6. They constantly gripe about their flaws. In some ways I admire their goals - but mostly I just feel lucky that I'm so pleased with my body at this point.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    I liked being able to eat slightly more and meet my protein macros. However, because I'm so small, the difference between maintenance and eating at a deficit is not huge. Often, after a vacation or holiday, I have to go back into deficit eating before switching to maintenance. I was hoping for more muscle growth, toning, as one allegedly can't build muscle at a deficit, but despite doing more strength training, I haven't seen a huge difference yet either way.