Vegan mum needing friends!

meridonherron Posts: 4 Member
edited January 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hello! I've been on myfitnesspal for about 5 years, although when I first used it I didn't really need to lose much weight, just a few pounds. Now 5 years on, I've had 2 children and I need to lose over 3 stone :( Looking for friends to help motivate and encourage me who are in the same boat :) I'm also a vegan, so any other vegetarians or vegans would be great as I'm actually finding it really hard to lose weight since becoming vegan. And Happy new year!


  • Kasumiblue
    Kasumiblue Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I'm a vegan mum to 1 boy x
  • shanna_finno
    shanna_finno Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there, great that you're doing it.
    I am a strict vegetarian, the only thing keeping me from becoming vegan is that I still eat egg whites. Dropped the dairy and animal rennets.
    I also noticed a bit of a dip in weight loss recently but got back on track by eating smaller meals more often. I eat 5 times a day. 2 of those are snack times with lower calories. So not sure if that would work for you, but it got me past that period of plateauing.
  • pinkmelissa49170
    pinkmelissa49170 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there ! I'm also a vegetarian (recently turned 100% vegetarian), mom to 2 young boys (4 and 2 almost 3) and I've recently lost 67lbs...I still have 25lbs to lose...add me if you want I don't have any vegetarian friends and I'm thinking about going vegan this year...let's do this !
  • tgrivoisshah
    tgrivoisshah Posts: 2 Member
    Hey there...My husband, daughter and I are all vegan, and honestly, it's not that hard to eat well, but you do have to plan ahead. The main thing is to plan how you're going to get your macros in...most vegan foods have more carbs than protein, so I like to get lots of tofu, seitan, and tvp alongwith some rice protein shakes in throughout the day.