I need some advice or tips.... I am going to college FT, taking care of 2 kids, married, and also work 12 hour shifts at the hospital twice a week. Need some recipes or ideas for quick easy breakfast and lunches! The cafeteria is killing me... And my wallet!!


  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    crockpot is an absolute God send for busy people. You put in all the ingredients in the morning and it's done by dinner. My favorite super easy crock pot recipe is chicken breast and salsa. That's it and it's good.
  • AntsyAngler
    AntsyAngler Posts: 58 Member
    Do you have access to a microwave or hotplate at worK? soup, left over dinner from the night before, ready to heat egg and veggie and/or meat scramble

    quick easy breakfast and or lunch ideas: avadaco with soy sauce or tahini, fruit and toast or biscuit, oatmeal, boiled egg (I boil several at a time and just keep them handy in the fridge with an x marked on them so I know they're cooked), lettuce wraps, vegetarian sushi or cooked seafood sushi... just a few ideas off the top of my head.
  • GinnyRamsdale
    GinnyRamsdale Posts: 9 Member
    beat an egg and put it in muffin tins. Add veggies like peppers, onions, or whatever you like. Top with some cheese, and bake them in the oven for 12 minutes. They are great, and you can freeze them and pull them out and stick them in the microwave, for a quick breakfast! Yummy.
  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    edited January 2016
    Protein bar with a glass of milk on your car drive in the mornings. Protein is best for me early.