Overwhelmed! How to work toward fitness goals when you have nonstop demands on your time?



  • massaoli
    massaoli Posts: 170 Member
    ShannonE74 wrote: »
    I am a single mom and have to sit at a desk most of the time at work. When I get home my kids are so needy and the house is so messy I find it very difficult to fit in any exercise. I also get so stressed I end up fixing the absolute easiest and fastest thing I can come up with for supper half the time and then struggle with stress eating after the kids are in bed and I'm too exhausted to do anything else.
    I rarely have time alone and mornings are already a huge struggle without trying to add exercise to the mix. It feels impossible to be able to stick to anything. Does anyone else struggle like this? Any suggestions or do I just have to wait until my kids are older and there are fewer demands on me? I really want to get in shape and be healthier now.
    ShannonE74 wrote: »
    I am a single mom and have to sit at a desk most of the time at work. When I get home my kids are so needy and the house is so messy I find it very difficult to fit in any exercise. I also get so stressed I end up fixing the absolute easiest and fastest thing I can come up with for supper half the time and then struggle with stress eating after the kids are in bed and I'm too exhausted to do anything else.
    I rarely have time alone and mornings are already a huge struggle without trying to add exercise to the mix. It feels impossible to be able to stick to anything. Does anyone else struggle like this? Any suggestions or do I just have to wait until my kids are older and there are fewer demands on me? I really want to get in shape and be healthier now.
    ShannonE74 wrote: »
    I am a single mom and have to sit at a desk most of the time at work. When I get home my kids are so needy and the house is so messy I find it very difficult to fit in any exercise. I also get so stressed I end up fixing the absolute easiest and fastest thing I can come up with for supper half the time and then struggle with stress eating after the kids are in bed and I'm too exhausted to do anything else.
    I rarely have time alone and mornings are already a huge struggle without trying to add exercise to the mix. It feels impossible to be able to stick to anything. Does anyone else struggle like this? Any suggestions or do I just have to wait until my kids are older and there are fewer demands on me? I really want to get in shape and be healthier now.

  • massaoli
    massaoli Posts: 170 Member
    I know sometimes it's hard to find time, you have to let something go, let the house stay messy one day, and play , dance with the kids, everyone has quality time together, u feel good about yourself and may find motivation to prep dinner or lunch the next day. Don't let a bad day turn into a bad week . Do ur best! We are all here with a common goal and challenges! Best of luck to you
  • leanne0627
    leanne0627 Posts: 109 Member
    Im a single mom too who also works and is in school full time. So totally get where u are coming from. I joined my local YMCA so that when i work out the kids can swim or play. They also have child care there for younger kids. When i dont feel like going i exercise with the kids by making it a game. We make obstacle courses in the basement and try to beat eachothers times or dance to music! Make it fun! Good luck!