Legend... wait for it... dary!

Sorry about the title, I'm watching How I Met Your Mother and yeah it just felt right.


I have an (in my opinion) amazing NSV (Non Scale Victory) to share with you all!

For those who haven't read my past threads, here's an important fact: My grandpa loves buying tubs of ice cream. Over time, I've gone from eating a huge bowl nightly to a small cup once in a while. That is huge for me and I am so proud I've gotten that far. Something I haven't mastered, though, is not eating a huge bowl of ice cream when I'm angry. Yes, I'm an emotional eater.. that's basically why I am where I am today.

Well this morning, I had reason to be emotional and I went towards the fridge. Got the ice cream and a bowl, but stopped myself before the first scope. Literally, I don't know what will stopped me. I just realized I've been working hard, lost five pounds, and for what? To go back to my old ways of eating my feelings? To gain my weight back and be too embarrassed to add that emotional food I didn't even measure into my diary?

No! Just no! I couldn't do it! I put the ice cream and bowl away and took my anger out on my stationary bike. I went about 10 minutes of pure rage cycling and I think that is the most I've sweated on that bike in such little time.

I felt great afterwards and made a lovely egg and toast breakfast.

It may seem like something so small to you all, but to me, that was a huge milestone that I just had to share with you all! :)


  • ReadynWillin
    ReadynWillin Posts: 104
    Excellent! I have often struggled with this very issue, and it's hard to conquer. Great job peddling out your anger rather than scarfing it down. This is a great help to the rest of us emotional eaters. May your will power continue to strengthen.
  • babs20831
    babs20831 Posts: 2 Member
    That is definitely a victory, I love that term, NSV!! I will have to use that!! Kudos!!