Any teachers out there?



  • MlleKelly
    MlleKelly Posts: 356 Member
    I pack my lunch every night before I go to bed so that when I get up in the morning, I just throw in an ice pack and go. Breakfast is usually oats, yogurt, protein shake, or toast (fast!), sometimes cereal. I make sure I have a snack in my lunch box that I can eat between class periods (again...protein shake, yogurt, baby carrots, piece of fruit). My lunch can range from last night's leftovers to pre-packed salad to a can of Progresso soup to rice and beans and veggies. I also keep a box of FiberOne bars or Quaker granola bars in my desk for just in case hunger emergencies.

    Planning ahead is a teacher's best friend. Seriously. In every facet of the job.
  • vespiquenn
    vespiquenn Posts: 1,455 Member
    Primary art teacher here, and I have to say that I agree with the above posters with pre-logged meals. The weekday is usually the only time that I pre-log up to the end of the school day, but I often eat the same thing every day during the week and change it up at night. I will admit that I am not a morning person; I go to the gym at about 78pm at night, after dinner. I have a 45min commute, probably more now that there is ice and snow, so waking up at 3am to workout is just not an option.

    Just keep working at what works best for you. I have found that keeping my workouts scheduled just like I would work or an appointment really help with laziness. And for intake, pre-logging meals may be your best bet. It will also help to really see if you can add in a snack to help with hunger at the end of the day, or if your goals are possibly too aggressive at the moment.
  • groversa
    groversa Posts: 450 Member
    I also teach the little guys. The only time I end up gaining weight is when I give in to munching during their snack time or lunch times since teachers can take some food. Ive been good about not doing that lately. When I'm losing weight, I tend to bring my own lunches and snacks. I work from 7:30 until 4:30/5. I start my day with a shake giving me lots of protein so I stay full for a good amount of time, then if I get hungry before my lunch break I have a snack that I brought from home (it tends to be a banana, sometimes an apple or some sugar snap peas, something that will give you that satisfaction of munching on something but not to hefty). Around 1 I eat lunch, which I bring from home. You can make a batch of homemade soup on the weekends and bring that, a sandwich with some fruits and veggies, sometimes if I am in a rush and forgot to make something I will just bring a smart one meal. I try to have some fruit and some veggies every lunch time. From then until about 4:30/5 I am not too hungry so I am pretty hungry when I get home and have an earlier supper. Keep a water bottle with you at all times, water helps you from feeling empty. I find that water bottles with straws are extra helpful, I seem to drink way more water from those since they are so easy for access even when you are in the middle of something. Move around with your kiddos as much as you can. I usually shoot for at least 8000 steps by the time I get done with work. Feel free to add me for support or any other questions!
  • 2manyhats
    2manyhats Posts: 1,189 Member
    I also teach little ones. Have to agree with previous posts- plan ahead and prep! I don't tend to work as late as you but 3 afternoons a week I pick up our grandson from daycare and we keep him until 7, he keeps us extra busy! We plan all dinners and prep all veggies on the weekend. It seriously saves our sanity!
  • aubreyjordan
    aubreyjordan Posts: 276 Member
    I teach K and completely understand. I'm pretty lucky that their lunch and specials (my plan time) are spaced out reasonably well, so I can drink enough water. That in itself helps a lot, though I totally understand that not being feasible. My kiddos have lunch at 10:30 am, so I just have a Dannon Protein Yogurt Shake and a cup of coffee for breakfast. For lunch, I may make a PB&J with low calorie bread, a tbs of PB, and some reduced sugar jelly (usually on days I plan to go to the gym because this is a little calorie/carb heavier than my other main lunch options), have two boiled eggs, or some lunch meat paired with a Greek yogurt, carrots or cucumber slices, and a cheese stick. During their snack time (2 pm), I'll have a Combat Crunch protein bar. If I'm going to the gym after work, I'll have either a banana or apple with a cheese stick on the way to the gym. Then dinner is usually a protein, rice, and veggies. I'm a picky eater, so that's why my menu is pretty much the same every day. Like I said earlier, I'm lucky to have a schedule where I can use the restroom and eat at reasonable intervals.

    A side note: When I started last January, my goal was pretty low, ~1350 calories. I eventually got a Fitbit and it showed me that I take way more steps than a sedentary person, so I changed the settings and raised my goal. That helps A LOT. I felt a lot better, and found it easier to lose.
  • Mistyvs
    Mistyvs Posts: 56 Member
    I teach 4 and 5 year olds. I started in October of 2014 and have gained 20 pounds since starting. It's really disappointing because I was in the best shape of my life and was training for a marathon when I started. I've regretted it ever since and plan on leaving at the end of the school year, in June. It's so stressful and the days are so long that when I get home, all I want to do is sit on the couch and eat candy. I deserve better than that, and so does my family. Luckily, I'm in a position to quit my job so I can go to the gym, lol. That's what I tell my husband all the time, but that's not the primary reason. Just an added perk!
  • ModernRock
    ModernRock Posts: 372 Member
    Hi all,
    I am a primary school teacher and have seen my weight balloon 3 stone since I started teaching almost 2 years ago. It is because I am on the go all day and need quick energy fixes to keep going throughout the very long day I have so eat crisps, chocolate or grab a sandwich for lunch. I am in work from 7am until almost 6pm every day so find myself bingeing when I get home too because I feel starving.

    Somebody working from home can complain that they have constant access to food, and would do so much better not over eating if they spent half the day in an office. There's always an excuse, so you have to get a grasp on the "why" you eat more food than your body needs. If you have been gaining weight, then you do not the lack energy you need. But, perhaps the food you eat could be more filling. Perhaps you are eating for emotional/psychological reasons.

    Lots of people don't eat much for breakfast or lunch, and yet they don't binge when they get home. Do you have a plan for what you are going to eat before you get home? If not, then that's a good place to start.

  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    I'm a sub, so everything you said but the fridge & restrooms are in a different place every day as well! ;-)
    I never know WHAT I'm walking into, so I pretty much arrive with every tea bag, every water bottle, every scrap of food I'll want that day. I don't like to snack much, but I carry some non perishable snacks in case the kids are snacking & it makes me hungry. I usually bring a homemade wrap of some sort because I can eat that quickly even if there's no one to cover my lunch. Some fruit; some nuts. Quick protein like a boiled egg or mozzarella stick.
    The advantages to substitute teaching? I routinely get 5000-10000 steps in my work day. I can leave by 3:30 at the latest & begin a workout when other folks are still finishing up at their offices. And since I move around to different school sites there are always fresh walks or hikes in the vicinity.
  • Marianna93637
    Marianna93637 Posts: 230 Member
    High school teacher here. I was able to lose 33 lbs last year from November through June. I actually lost the most weight while working, during winter break I lost nothing. During the summer and since September I gained back 10 lbs, mostly because I got comfortable and wasn't following my routine as closely.

    This is what has worked for me:
    - prep and log my lunches for 5 days. I often eat the same things for 5 days, which doesn't bother me, sometimes it's 3 days then I add to it. For example I make rice in my crockpot (red rice with diced tomatoes is my all time favorite) for 5 days and veggies and meat for Monday through Wednesday at least. Then Wednesday I might cook a different type of meet and vegetable. I'd say this was 75 % of my success.
    - my lunches are always cooked, never sandwiches or cup of noodle soups. Usually at 300 calories they fill me up. Mashed potato or rice, meat (chicken, lean pork or sometimes beef) and lots of steamed veggies. Sometimes I take a huge garden salad and 4 ounces of meet that I heat up in the microwave and then mix it. Very tasty
    - I have a bad habit, I don't eat breakfast, but I do drink coffee throughout the morning, so that's my breakfast basically. Even if I ate breakfast, I would still the same as usual throughout the day, so I don't. I'm not saying to do this, I'm just saying this is a flaw I have.
    - I do eat a snack during our break (10:40 am)
    - lunch is at 12:30
    - we're done at 2 pm, when I come home I eat something light, if we have a meeting I eat a snack
    - I pack non-junk food for snacks or extras for after school or if I'm hungry. Luckily I brought in my fridge and microwave, that makes things better. These food items are:
    - granola bars, protein bars
    - non-fat yoghurt, non-fat Greek yoghurt
    - crackers in ziplock bags, 1 ounce so I can easily log it
    - apples, bananas
    - nuts
    - I just recently discovered that packaged Miso soup tastes like the one you would get in a restaurant. Easy to make with the microwave, very satisfying (warm and salty) and only 30 calories. Sometimes when I feel hungry, that's all I need

    If you work long hours I would suggest to have enough good quality food at hand so that you energy and you don't starve yourself. This way when you get home you don't feel exhausted and you won't binge eat.
    Nits can be high in calories but they're also healthy and filling. Maybe you can make your own trailmix with nuts, dried fruit, crackers, etc? Drink some milk with it and you'll be surprised how much energy you have.

    Don't forget to drink water! I have a huge water bottle with a large opening and I always add fruit. Usually just frozen strawberries or berries, sometimes oranges, lemon with mint, etc. It changes the color of the water and looks pretty. I really don't think this infused water helps you lose weight as many claim, but for me, because it looks pretty and tastes like fruit, I tend to drink it all. Plain water, I hardly touch.
  • marymoog
    marymoog Posts: 9 Member
    High school teacher here. As some posters have mentioned, I also find it easier to manage my weight when school is in session. I am moving around constantly and really plan what I bring to work. My school is also pretty flexible and I am allowed to use the workout facility before or after school or doing my prep hour/lunch. I definitely maintained this holiday break, but didn't lose a thing!

    Other than planning in advance, I think what can really "get" you is the food people bring in. Especially during certain weeks of the year, people BOMBARD teachers with food. I have to make myself avoid the teacher's lounge during these times because I know that I may not be able to resist. At other times, I may treat myself to one or two things and then leave the area:)
  • Marianna93637
    Marianna93637 Posts: 230 Member
    Sometimes our principal or counselor brings in pastries and other sweets. I take one look at it and get the heck out of the teacher's lounge. I know if I look at it long enough I will give in, so avoiding it like this has worked for me for a whole year :)
    Sometimes we have luncheons and then it's usually pizza. I do have 1 or 2 slices and log it, but I always wish it were healthier choices. At my very small school there is one other person on MFP, so at our last lunch I suggested if we could have something healthier (she was so happy). They actually went with it and we had Subway. Much better.