IIFYM, Don't...

Thought of the day on IIFYM: Don’t take the flexibility out of flexible dieting. You set your macros to 55% carbs, 25% protein, 20% fat… but came in at 50/23/27. Ready? The world will still turn AND you will still progress toward your goal. Yes, for those of us trying to gain/preserve muscle, hitting our protein goal is important. Easy fix: calculate 1g/bodyweight rather than 1g/LBM. Result: flexibility. Moral of the story—don’t sweat the small stuff. Keep your target calories in mind, do your best to hit your macros, and let the chips fall where they may. +\- 5% on a daily basis isn’t a deal-breaker. Constricting yourself to pinpoint accuracy will only cause undue stress and make no difference in the long haul. /2cents


  • Protranser
    Protranser Posts: 517 Member
    Thought of the day on IIFYM: Don’t take the flexibility out of flexible dieting. You set your macros to 55% carbs, 25% protein, 20% fat… but came in at 50/23/27. Ready? The world will still turn AND you will still progress toward your goal. Yes, for those of us trying to gain/preserve muscle, hitting our protein goal is important. Easy fix: calculate 1g/bodyweight rather than 1g/LBM. Result: flexibility. Moral of the story—don’t sweat the small stuff. Keep your target calories in mind, do your best to hit your macros, and let the chips fall where they may. +\- 5% on a daily basis isn’t a deal-breaker. Constricting yourself to pinpoint accuracy will only cause undue stress and make no difference in the long haul. /2cents

    Thank you for your insight! Just wanted to (publicly) say, the photo of your torso is inspiring for me. I don't think I can get there anymore, because obesity and loose skin aftermath, but yes, if I could redo it all again I'd maintain that physique throughout my life.
  • RobotPhysique
    RobotPhysique Posts: 25 Member
    @Protranser Thank you! Keep grinding regardless and best of luck with your goals!
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Set carbs at 25 percent. Much better!
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I think this is good advice.

    I joined an IIFYM group on FB last year. I don't participate but do read the posts. Many of the women seem overly obsessive about hitting every macro on the nose each day. It's definitely not flexible eating for them.
  • RobotPhysique
    RobotPhysique Posts: 25 Member
    @jemhh Thanks. I just recently switched to IIFYM. I was on the chicken/broccoli/rice special for the better part of a year, and it's been my salvation. I've tried a lot of different approaches and it's by far the easiest to adhere to. I wish someone had explained it to me when I began my fitness journey, but better late than never. I'd recommend it to anyone regardless of their objective.
  • Colorscheme
    Colorscheme Posts: 1,179 Member
    I try to hit my macros while still eating what I like, just in smaller portions. If I hit my goals, great. If not, oh well because I'm still in a calorie deficit since I walk/jog for 5-7 miles a day.