Your food and binge confessions

I did well with my food today. Then at about 11:30pm, I heard my dog bark, a cat hiss and sounds like someone breaking in.

I went around the house, turnt on all the lights, peered outside, drew the curtains and called my mum. Yep, I'm home alone.

I was so upset I had a chocolate. Then a bag of popcorn and a diet coke. Then I had two eggs with tomato, onion and 3 pieces of ham. Then I had a smoothie with 2 small bananas, fruit yoghurt and milk. Now I'm drinking a milky cup of tea.

I was hoping to get down to 105.9kg by the morning, but I don't think thats likely now. Usually when I binge, its endless, and stuff like junkfood and takeaways, so at least the food was healthy. I don't think it will ruin my progress for the week as long as I don't do it again. At least I've done lots of walking for the past 3 days.



  • ise311
    ise311 Posts: 107 Member
    I couldn't resist instant noodles today. Almost 500 calories for something unheathy, high carb and not even make you full.
  • beautifulsparkles
    beautifulsparkles Posts: 314 Member
    ise311 wrote: »
    I couldn't resist instant noodles today. Almost 500 calories for something unheathy, high carb and not even make you full.

    I used to eat a lot of those. My favourite were beef flavoured. I used to add lots of mixed veges to them, or peas or corn bits.

    The first time I tried losing weight, I used to break the noodles up, and only eat half of them. They were still a lot of calories though.

    Why don't you try making udon noodles up, and make a stirfry, with some sort of meat and stirfry veges? It would fill more space in your stomach, taste better and be much more satisfying.

    This wasn't really meant to be an advice thread, but I think this could help you.
  • ise311
    ise311 Posts: 107 Member
    Why don't you try making udon noodles up, and make a stirfry, with some sort of meat and stirfry veges? It would fill more space in your stomach, taste better and be much more satisfying.

    This wasn't really meant to be an advice thread, but I think this could help you.
    Yea I could cook if I want to, but there are days when we are lazy :D I bought these noodle packs before I decided to kickstart back MFP. Feel bad about wasting them too.
  • flabassmcgee
    flabassmcgee Posts: 659 Member
    When I buy a rotisserie chicken, I bring it home and eat all of the chicken skin right off before I shred it!

    Not this week. I put it in the fridge first thing so it gets all goopy and undesirable.
  • beautifulsparkles
    beautifulsparkles Posts: 314 Member
    ise311 wrote: »
    Why don't you try making udon noodles up, and make a stirfry, with some sort of meat and stirfry veges? It would fill more space in your stomach, taste better and be much more satisfying.

    This wasn't really meant to be an advice thread, but I think this could help you.
    Yea I could cook if I want to, but there are days when we are lazy :D I bought these noodle packs before I decided to kickstart back MFP. Feel bad about wasting them too.

    Oh okay. You should go on buzzfeed, there are some really yummy looking dishes you can make with ramen. You probably don't have to throw them away, just make them work with the calories you have.
  • beautifulsparkles
    beautifulsparkles Posts: 314 Member
    When I buy a rotisserie chicken, I bring it home and eat all of the chicken skin right off before I shred it!

    Not this week. I put it in the fridge first thing so it gets all goopy and undesirable.

    I've been eating some of the skin of the chicken for the last few days as well, and not weighing it as ''skin''. I probably will next time though.
  • beautifulsparkles
    beautifulsparkles Posts: 314 Member
    Whenever I bake cookies, I usually eat about 6 cookies worth of dough and 2 or 3 right out of the oven. That's about 1200 calories right there. I just can't help it! Especially if it's sugar cookie or snickerdoodle dough. Totally worth it.

    I love snickerdoodles!!!!!!!! Pretty sure I've eaten a whole batch of batter before. Its pretty terrible. And wow, those calories shoot up quickly don't they?
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Over christmas I waited until everyone in the house was asleep so I could go back into the kitchen and taste every single left over. I was with my boyfriend the whole holiday and I noticed how much more than him I eat. Really made me think.............that perhaps he doesn't eat enough. lol j/k. I binge during the holiday like crazy.
  • beautifulsparkles
    beautifulsparkles Posts: 314 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    Over christmas I waited until everyone in the house was asleep so I could go back into the kitchen and taste every single left over. I was with my boyfriend the whole holiday and I noticed how much more than him I eat. Really made me think.............that perhaps he doesn't eat enough. lol j/k. I binge during the holiday like crazy.

    Haha :-) I always enjoy your posts.
  • beautifulsparkles
    beautifulsparkles Posts: 314 Member
    Whenever I bake cookies, I usually eat about 6 cookies worth of dough and 2 or 3 right out of the oven. That's about 1200 calories right there. I just can't help it! Especially if it's sugar cookie or snickerdoodle dough. Totally worth it.

    I love snickerdoodles!!!!!!!! Pretty sure I've eaten a whole batch of batter before. Its pretty terrible. And wow, those calories shoot up quickly don't they?

    Yes, I put my recipe in the recipe builder and it comes out to about 145 calories per cookie (or ball of dough) :). Crazy to think that 4 cookies doesn't sound like a lot and you could eat 4 cookies in less than a minute, but it's 600 calories!

    Honestly after starting MFP and tracking calories I seriously don't understand how I wasn't 300 pounds. Because there are so many things I ate that just shocked me with the calorie count!

    Oh crap, I want cookie dough now! I nearly did get up to 300lbs. It took some extreme eating though. I pretty much ate in secret so I wouldn't have to share food and would eat enough fast food some weeks for a whole family. I didn't eat a lot of bulk everyday, but I did eat a lot of calories everyday. My average evening meal would have been 1200 calories.
  • Irenameansbusiness
    Irenameansbusiness Posts: 16 Member
    Im usually good & eat well & healthy when I'm left to my own devices but when at my mums I eat chocolate a lot or if at my boyfriends he has a whole cuboard of chocolate treats, crisps etc & I seriously can't help myself.. I just forget & slip back into old eating habits! I train hard but my slip ups can be monumental & hinder me progressing any further...I get so frustrated with myself!
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited January 2016
    Why do you feel the need to confess? Have you commited a deadly sin? Sure this way of thinking isn't fueling your urges to binge?

    Or maybe you just were hungry??
  • SuperheroSadie
    SuperheroSadie Posts: 167 Member
    Whenever I have popcorn in my desk at work, I keep telling myself 'I'll stick to one cup at a time' and sure enough I eat half the bag a day! I usually have to force myself to forget about it, or I'll eat the whole thing! It's usually skinny pop or Boom Chicka Pop, so it's like 600 calories a bag... but the amount I eat certainly isn't good.

    Log it and move on, I suppose!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Whenever I have popcorn in my desk at work, I keep telling myself 'I'll stick to one cup at a time' and sure enough I eat half the bag a day! I usually have to force myself to forget about it, or I'll eat the whole thing! It's usually skinny pop or Boom Chicka Pop, so it's like 600 calories a bag... but the amount I eat certainly isn't good.

    Log it and move on, I suppose!

    I eat about 300 calories worth of popcorn every night! When you pop it with an air popper or measure out the kernels and use a brown paper bag, that is seriously lot of popcorn!
  • motterotter
    motterotter Posts: 701 Member
    Ate 3 shortbread cookies right out of the oven even though they burnt my tongue didnt log it either felt i had to have some compensation for the pain
  • beautifulsparkles
    beautifulsparkles Posts: 314 Member
    Whenever I have popcorn in my desk at work, I keep telling myself 'I'll stick to one cup at a time' and sure enough I eat half the bag a day! I usually have to force myself to forget about it, or I'll eat the whole thing! It's usually skinny pop or Boom Chicka Pop, so it's like 600 calories a bag... but the amount I eat certainly isn't good.

    Log it and move on, I suppose!

    I feel sad that these kinds of brands aren't available where I live. Although, its probably a good thing haha
  • wearmi1
    wearmi1 Posts: 291 Member
    My fave indulgence is a really good olive oil mixed with Parmesan cheese and pepper and fresh French bread to dip it in! So good with a glass of wine!
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I can't not have chocolate. It can be low carb chocolate cheesecake containing no sugar, but I never go without chocolate.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member