Help! How to lose the most weight QUICK!



  • missblondi2u
    missblondi2u Posts: 851 Member
    ilex70 wrote: »
    Shakes aren't magic. But for some people it is easier to start out not eating than to start out eating moderately...a mental thing. And as the OP stated, success begets success.

    One star reviews linked mostly stated problems with soy/estrogen which isn't a problem for everyone.

    My experience; Almased = 10 pounds in about 2 weeks vs. MFP/counting calories = 11 pounds in 4 week.

    As OP stated she is looking for a quick start, not a permanent solution.

    There were also plenty of reviews that said it was disgusting and didn't work. However, it's clear that OP is going to try it regardless. For me, losing a couple extra pounds in the first few weeks would not be worth choking this stuff down, but to each his own I guess.
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    GsKiki wrote: »
    It's not the best thing to lose weight so fast, but there is a way to do it sort of healthy, but it requires a lot of work. First you need to create calorie deficit, but you also need to do cardio and weights exercises regularly. I would say at least 3 times a week of each. Both cardio and weights are crucial because you do not want to lose any muscle, just fat.
    As long as you eat balanced meals, and don't starve yourself you should be fine, especially because you do not have a lot of weight to lose. If you need some tips, recipes or support feel free to add me :)

    So basically you are saying to eat in a deficit, and then add an exercise deficit on top of that, to lose faster than 2 pounds per week. You know you are supposed to eat back most of your exercise calories? And that it is unsafe to drop below 1200 NET calories per day (gross calories - exercise calories)? And that with the OP's stats, it is literally unsafe for her to aim to lose 2 pounds per week using that formula?

    Stop being in such a rush, and do this smart, and in 3 months you'll be amazed at the difference.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Hi OP - I totally understand where you are coming from. I would suggest eliminating almost all carbs for two weeks and you should lose about ten pounds in water weight.
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    ilex70 wrote: »
    Shakes aren't magic. But for some people it is easier to start out not eating than to start out eating moderately...a mental thing. And as the OP stated, success begets success.

    One star reviews linked mostly stated problems with soy/estrogen which isn't a problem for everyone.

    My experience; Almased = 10 pounds in about 2 weeks vs. MFP/counting calories = 11 pounds in 4 week.

    As OP stated she is looking for a quick start, not a permanent solution.

    You're forgetting that it's simply not safe to lose ten pounds in two weeks unless you're very overweight, which OP is not. Even 11 pounds in 4 weeks is over the recommended 2lbs a week of safe weight loss. Even then 2lbs a week is excessive for someone who isn't that overweight, like OP.
    Here on MFP it's against the rules to promote unsafe methods of weight loss. Anything that causes someone of OP's height and weight to lose 5lbs a week is unsafe.
  • glitzy196
    glitzy196 Posts: 190 Member
    Don't eat
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    edited January 2016
    Have you thought about taking up juggling?


    edit: OP - Don't do this. Instead, try a moderate calorie deficit over an extended period of time. It's way safer.
  • WigglexWigglexWiggle
    I just started logging consistently on January 1st and have lost nearly 5lbs. I don't have much to lose-in total before the 5lbs my goal was to lose 17. It's probably all just water weight that doesn't mean much though. It's exciting to see the number go down on the scale, but I think that you're placing a great emphasis on an arbitrary number on a scale, (of which I'm totally guilty too). It's a decent way to track progress but it really doesn't mean that much. Focus on health in the meantime and be happy when you don't have to jump up and down to wiggle into old jeans. It will happen. :)
  • tara_means_star
    tara_means_star Posts: 957 Member
    xMrBunglex wrote: »

    Lol good point.
  • gettingreallyfedupnow
    I find that if I've been eating a lot of sugar, I pile on weight very quickly as I get enormous amounts of water retention. As soon as I start to eat sensibly again, the water weight drops off and the scales can drop by 7lb over a weekend. However, if I just overeat generally and put on fat, it takes a lot longer to see a loss- about 1lb per week usually, which is more sensible and realistic.

    All you can do really is start eating a healthy balanced diet and be patient.
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    ilex70 wrote: »
    If you want a kick start/reset before moving on to something more long term then check out Almased. It does work. Do yourself a favor and use a fiber supplement with it. I understand not wanting to buy larger clothes.

    I'm just using MFP now, which is slower, but I'm working toward a larger goal, not in a panic to lose 10 pounds quickly. I have lost about 10, but it did take a month. This is not healthy. It's just another meal replacement shake-what's that teaching anyone? Once you stop, the weight will come right back.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Set a more reasonable and realistic goal.

    Seriously, weight doesn't come of quick. Take your time and stop panicking.
  • mad_lifting_runner
    mad_lifting_runner Posts: 37 Member
    edited January 2016

    1. Troll asks for advice they have no intention of following.
    2. Someone (most likely troll-friend or maybe even troll-in-costume) magically shows up and says "go buy this snake oil!".
    3. Troll ignores everyone else, apparently goes and buys said snake oil and then actually comes back to say they did so. many of you looked up Almased after that? My guess is at least a few.

    Sigh...this is what I get for tripping over the curb and wandering into the forums again.
  • Jon_Maynell
    Jon_Maynell Posts: 2 Member
    Just go go go !!! Jump into your new diet/fitness method and in all likelihood, you'll see the first few pounds drop off pretty quickly. If you've popped up that quickly, odds are you're carrying excess water weight and your system hasn't been fully empty each time you've eaten recently. Once you empty out your system and only eat when hungry/empty (should take just 2-3 days) and if you do drop some excess water weight, you might see a good 5 lbs or a little more drop off at the very beginning. It's just like the surface charge on a battery: on a new/charged battery, there's about 5-10% of the charge that comes off really strong at the very beginning before it settles in to normal, measured energy output. Whenever I've come out of a weight gaining period (such as the holidays - I get lots of water retention from all the cocktails!!!) and started a better regimen it has felt just like this surface charge effect: I've found the first few pounds drop off quickly before you settle into the 1-2 lbs. per week rhythm. Hopefully this happens for you as well! Good luck!!
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    cwagar123 wrote: »
    i don`t understand exactly what you are hoping to hear... 2lbs a week is far too aggressive for the amount you have to lose... no one in their right mind is going to suggest a VLCD.... you have a personal trainer for a son.... what are you hoping to hear from strangers on mfp exactly...

    All of this.

    I'm disappointed when people start off their OP by saying, "I know what you are going to say, and so I'm not going to agree with you, but please help me anyway". So which is it? Do you want help, or do you want to hear only what you want to hear? Because those things are not in alignment this time around.
  • srujana_kanneganti
    srujana_kanneganti Posts: 63 Member
    edited January 2016
    If it satisfies you emotionally, you can drop a lot of water weight fast in a week if you move into a low carb/high fat diet.

    BUT like everyone else has said, it'll come back when you eat normally again....but hey, the visual drop in the scale may motivate you and spur some mental confidence.
  • BurnWithBarn2015
    BurnWithBarn2015 Posts: 1,026 Member
    edited January 2016

    1. Troll asks for advice they have no intention of following.
    2. Someone (most likely troll-friend or maybe even troll-in-costume) magically shows up and says "go buy this snake oil!".
    3. Troll ignores everyone else, apparently goes and buys said snake oil and then actually comes back to say they did so. many of you looked up Almased after that? My guess is at least a few.

    Sigh...this is what I get for tripping over the curb and wandering into the forums again.

    +1 spot on!

  • star1407
    star1407 Posts: 588 Member
    xMrBunglex wrote: »

    Pmsl. Best answer ever

  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    I love how, with all the great advice given in this thread, the one post that the OP comments on is the one involving a magic weight loss pill. Typical.
  • prettysoul1908
    prettysoul1908 Posts: 200 Member

    1. Troll asks for advice they have no intention of following.
    2. Someone (most likely troll-friend or maybe even troll-in-costume) magically shows up and says "go buy this snake oil!".
    3. Troll ignores everyone else, apparently goes and buys said snake oil and then actually comes back to say they did so. many of you looked up Almased after that? My guess is at least a few.

    Sigh...this is what I get for tripping over the curb and wandering into the forums again.

    That is what happened, isn't it? Oh and I vote for troll in costume.