coming back after a long time

Hi everyone, from VA here. I used to use this app a few years ago to log my weight loss and exercise but stopped. Now my work has started a Biggest Loser challenge...and i decided what the hell...butt when i weighed in i was surprised at how much i weighed. I have never been skinny but i always kept my weight in check, now i am the biggest i have ever been at 224. So not only am i aiming to win this competition but i am aiming to win at this fitness and health thing. I have already started (haven't reweighed yet) but i always find having others to join on a journey makes itit easier. Thanks!


  • sgdehart
    sgdehart Posts: 2 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hi from Wisconsin. I'm looking for some support too, and happy to give it!
  • tjmuehe
    tjmuehe Posts: 28 Member
    Hi from Texas! I am doing more of a low carb Atkins approach, which I have done in the past. My sugar does better with no or low carbs. Good luck to all and stay strong.
  • weightlossissues
    weightlossissues Posts: 28 Member
    I am coming back after 2 years. I have never been small. I am looking to shed 50 lbs, one step and day at a time.