Fitness Blender 8 week plan

Has anyone done any of the Fitness Blender 8 week fat loss plans? I do their workouts regularly and love them, just wondering what is different about the 8 week plan?


  • bluelena
    bluelena Posts: 304 Member
    I'm new to Fitness Blender, and am loving it so far. I've been stacking about 4-5 of their shorter workouts into one session to customize the workout I want for a particular day.

    I did order the first 8-week program, and as soon as I get a chin up bar, I'll start that. It looks pretty challenging. Not sure if I'll be able to keep up once you start 2-a-days, but we shall see.

    The 8-week plan is basically 8 weeks of customized workouts. All of the workouts are already there for free, you're just paying for the plan that puts them all together for you to follow. I read through most of it already, and it looks to be very well-rounded. Cardio, strength, flexibility, agility, HIIT, plyometrics, etc. are all included.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,011 Member
    I do the free fitness bender workouts on youtube and love them but havent tried the8 week plan
  • soccerchick3339
    soccerchick3339 Posts: 8 Member
    I did the 8 week plan as a way to see how to incorporate different videos. Now I can usually put together a decent workout on my own from the videos, but the plan was good starting point.
  • psharma06
    psharma06 Posts: 93 Member
    Thanks for your help!
    I love their workouts ...I always feel really challenged whend I do them.
    I may get the round 1 workouts
  • reasg3911
    reasg3911 Posts: 4
    I bought and started the first 8 week plan about a week ago. I really like it because I don't have to try to figure out what workouts I should be doing. I also really like that I don't really know what to expect. I'm the type to dread working out, but with this it's really hard to dread it because I don't know specifically what's coming (the descriptions in the plan are vague, so I just avoid reading the detailed descriptions that are on the fitnessblender web site) . It seems to be a really good blend of cardio, strengthening, and stretching, and even the cardio seems to accomplish a lot of toning at the same time. I have definitely been feeling my muscles since starting. Haha, I'm a bit scared though because I just finished the first week, which they said would be relatively easy, but it was not easy for me! I just do the best I can, though, and it feels really good.
  • CloverlawnKelly
    Fitness Blender is AWESOME! They have workouts for everything and also videos of what they eat and everything, its great. They are both very likable although when Im doing the workouts i'm often yelling at the computer but thanking them the next day or when the workout is over.
  • callie006
    callie006 Posts: 151 Member
    I haven't done the plan, but I really like their workouts for when I need to do something with minimal equipment. Daniel and Kelly are also really nice and respond to comments and questions. They will also take suggestions about types of workouts people want.