Is anyone on the HCG Diet?



  • fivefatcats
    fivefatcats Posts: 368
    Well, I guess I'll get back to everyone in two years to see if I am in the 95% or the 5%:bigsmile:
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    Well, I guess I'll get back to everyone in two years to see if I am in the 95% or the 5%:bigsmile:
    I'll be right behind you.
  • Kera885
    Kera885 Posts: 59
    I didn't mean to offend anyone when I said that these results aren't sustainable (maybe they will be for you) and I wasn't trying to say that you had no discipline or imply that the numbers on the scale are the only thing helping your discipline right now (though I'm sure that they DO help) but after coming off of that diet I was fine for a week or two and then I started packing on pounds and no matter how little I ate I just could not keep the weight from coming back on. I was at about 1000 calories a day after my HCG round just trying to MAINTAIN when I figured out that my body would just do what it was going to do and I'd have to let it settle, and I'm only 19. Also, the protein in the diet is really only high as when compared to to the other macro nutrients of the diet. Which is fine, and you may even feel fine now, as your body is coping with the low calories and little to no carbs. But, it is highly unlikely that it will last, even if you are incredibly strict, it is still unlikely if only because of how your metabolism has been affected. If you gain weight after it isn't because you lack discipline, it will be because of how the diet has affected your body. So I really hope that if you aren't part of that lucky 5% who control their every move for the rest of their lives for fear that one slip up will set them back a lifetime that you don't treat yourself too harshly when your body does what comes naturally.
  • fivefatcats
    fivefatcats Posts: 368
    kera - no offense taken.

    I worry about the same thing happening. No way to know until we see. At this point I'm willing to risk it.

    Just wondering if you were exercising at all during the 'gain' era, while you were trying to maintain?
  • Kera885
    Kera885 Posts: 59
    I did exercise while trying to maintain, not vigorously, but I didn't really have the energy to exercise very hard so it was mainly walking and stationary bikes for me :)
  • Skinnytime
    Skinnytime Posts: 279
    I just started the diet on Sunday. Sunday and Monday were load days and were they hard. I think the best part of the diet is that the load days make you so absolutely sick of fat foods that you really have no craving for them.
    Also, it forces you to prepare you own food. So, even if all it does is get you in the habit of making food rather than getting take out (which is what I've been doing for years) it's a good thing.

    If you are taking the hcg then the hcg supposedly allows your body to metabolize fat rather than lean muscle. I don't know if this is really true, but if you are eating an adequate amount of protein (60 grams a day - 2 servings of a roughly 100 grams of a raw, lean protein source) and getting all your carbs from veggies (and two grissini) and maintaining lean muscle mass by doing weight bearing exercise then I don't see how you can loose that much muscle mass.

    By Monday, I intend to try some keto stix to see if I'm burning fat. Also, I've been monitoring the change in body fat percentage and I've seen it go down as my weight is going down, so something is working.

    I have not been hungry. I've actually missed my fruit servings most days. My big concern is calcium and good fats. I am getting no Omegas and no calcium from dairy. I will begin supplementing the calcium, but the good fats will just have to wait until my 23 days are over.

    I have found nothing unhealthy about it. Every calorie you ingest is nutrient rich. There are no empty calories. How many of our 1200 to 1500 calorie diets have empty calories in them to begin with?

    Also, every calorie is "clean" . No processed diet foods, no chemicals, nothing.

    After the initial phase, you do add calories, but again they are nutrient rich and not empty - just clean proteins and veggie carbs.

    I am liking it so far. We'll see if I say the same thing next week :)