Any Success Stories?

MamaLlamaThatsMe Posts: 22 Member
Looking for some motivation! I know the science of gaining weight and that I need to, but sometimes I need a little motivational kick in the rear! I want to look healthy again and have found success stories, especially with before and after photos, to be inspirational in the past. Anyone?


  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    just do it.
  • MamaLlamaThatsMe
    MamaLlamaThatsMe Posts: 22 Member
    I am, but just like with weight loss, a little extra motivation never hurt, plus it's just nice to see. :)
  • lyzxyzzy
    lyzxyzzy Posts: 52 Member
    Motivation comes from a few places. It is most effective when it comes from within you. Don't really have a before and after. Up 30 pounds. For a before image, imagine the same picture with less me and more background.
  • 883xlsportster
    883xlsportster Posts: 221 Member
    I would have to agree with JoRocka & lyzxyzzy. I've thought about it for years. Once you actually start counting calories and lifting ( if thats your plan) you may experience more self motivation. if that makes any sense?
    I'm not much of a success story yet but I'm sure you can find threads/ posts on here that are.
    Good Luck.
  • lyzxyzzy
    lyzxyzzy Posts: 52 Member
    A few people exist who have encouragement as one of their gifts. Their are a few on here. Pwrlifter82 was really helpful to me. Busted my butt when I didn't log in. About 6 months ago, she disappeared. Huge loss to this community. What may be helpful for you is an accountability partner. Someone who knows your goals and keeps you on track.
  • zezelryck
    zezelryck Posts: 251 Member
    There are loads here. I'm on there halfway down the list. 'Allan swimming away nearly 200lb'.
  • wendikmc
    wendikmc Posts: 1 Member
    Entering my 10th month on this journey and I am currently 68 pound lighter then I was when I started. I started by just moving everyday. After establishing a habit of working out regularly I started working on my nutrition. I track my nutrition and calories. I track my exercise. I set small goals and do my best to reach them. I celebrate all the victories, Big AND Small. But, I also give myself a break if I have a "bad day". I also stick to weighing myself only once a month (otherwise I obsess too much over the numbers on the scale). I have shared my journey with friends and family that I trust and who I know will be supportive no matter what the scale might say. My biggest motivation is how I feel. I can walk better, sleep better and just feel better overall. I still have a LONG way to go but, I will get there!! You will TOO!!
  • MamaLlamaThatsMe
    MamaLlamaThatsMe Posts: 22 Member
    I have been counting calories but can't afford a gym membership at the moment. I have the added challenge of an extremely restrictive diet, due to a medical condition. I do okay the more I am home, but when I am busy I find it hard to gain. I gained a little over Christmas, but then I lost it all again when hockey practices, band concerts, doctor appointments, etc., resumed. (I have three young boys. They keep me on my toes!) I know I will still get there. First mini goal: surpass 100 again!
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