Doing something crazy? 12 Diets in 12 months this year

Hi everyone and Happy 2016! I'm guessing I'm not the only one on here who made the resolution to lose weight in 2016? I've made the same resolution for over a decade. I usually can make it 3-4 months and lose about 30 pounds and then I quit and am back to all my old habits. Then I gain the 30 pounds back, plus a pound or two for good measure.

This year I decided to do something different. Since I can't seem to stick with any one diet plan for more than a few months, I'm going to try a different plan every month! I figure I can't get into a rut if I'm changing it up every 4 weeks! And no, I'm not doing any crazy, extreme plans (no cabbage soup diet for me)!

My January plan is follow the goals set up for me by MFP. I'm on day 3 and I feel like I'm constantly starving and have a headache, but I guess that's to be expected when I go from probably 3,000+ calories a day to 1,500, and I cut out sugar.

I've also started my first ever blog. I figure if I can get some followers I'm more likely to stay accountable and follow through (my follow through when it comes to dieting is pretty poor)! Please friend me on MFP and if you want to follow me I'm at I'm still working on the design of my blog, but that's coming along. I'm also on Twitter and Instagram under the same handle...TIA for your support! And good luck on your weight loss journey!