Quitting Smoking?



  • tc41586
    tc41586 Posts: 136 Member
    I was a smoker for 14 of my 27 years. I quit cold turkey on New Years Day and haven't looked back. I HIGHLY recommend the Cessation Nation smart phone app. It counts how long it has been since you smoked, how much money you have saved, how many you haven't smoked, and how much time you are saving/adding on to your life.

    It also gives you achievements for milestones along the way... like $50 saved or a carton not smoked.

    The best benefit to me was that it has a health benefits section where you can see your body's healing progress.

    Lots of gum and sugar free candies helped me through the first few weeks. I also avoided bars and drinking for a bit and spent time with non-smoker friends until I was ready to be around it again. My husband was a great support, too.

    Congratulations, you can do this... just focus on not smoking today, then tomorrow focus on not smoking tomorrow. It isn't overwhelming that way!
  • nickymarie011
    nickymarie011 Posts: 152 Member
    I will be honest with you. I quit on New Years Day 2013 and within 2 months I had gained 15 pounds. It wasn't like as soon as I quit I stopped working out/ eating right. In fact, I still worked out daily and probably worked out even harder, just because I knew weight gain was possible after you quit. I still also ate healthy. It sucked, but I have learned to just be happier with those additional 15 pounds and decided to tone instead of worrying about losing all that I had gained from quitting. I wish you luck in your journey! It ain't easy but its surely worth it :)
  • Eabec
    Eabec Posts: 53 Member
    I quit one year ago next week. During that process i worked out very hard. I didnt gain wait until about 3 months later. I've struggled to lose that 10 lbs since then.

    But, I wouldnt trade that weight gain. I am so happy I quit - I smoked for nearly 20 years. I feel better, have less sinus infections, i dont stink, I get to enjoy time with people instead of sitting outside alone smoking.

    I struggle every day with the fact that I am not losing weight. But, I am stronger because I can breathe while working out. Because of that, I've toned up and have built muscle.

    I gained 10 #s but I went down a size.

    Dont let the fear of weight gain stop you from quitting. You will gain so much more than weight. I promise.
  • Mercedespony
    Mercedespony Posts: 162 Member
    I'm 12 days nicotine free, and 3 pounds down from my last weigh-in.
    I continue to hit the gym, do my cardio at nights, and have not replaced the nicotine with any sort of food whatsoever - I've switched to ice cold water/cubes when I get the urge.

    Good luck! You can do this.
  • bio01979
    bio01979 Posts: 313
    Congrats on making the decision :)

    It is too bad the Chantix is out because I did it that way and it was like I had never smoked before (after being a smoker for 20yrs) I simply ceased to be a smoker with no cravings or issues :)

    You will find what works for you :)

    Good Luck :)
  • rassha01
    rassha01 Posts: 534 Member
    Another Chantix quitter here!! 9 months ago with no cravings and no regrets! I did pack on 20 pounds but have lost that plus another 30. An Like some of the other posters said, the majority of the problem lies in the psyche, a person truly needs to be 100% committed with no reservations.
  • msaprilm1
    msaprilm1 Posts: 47
    Have you tried electronic cigarettes? It's not a nicotine replacement per se, because some still have nicotine in them. My boyfriend and I switched to them over a year ago and they're amazing. The ones we have use what's called e-liquid (only has four ingredients..nicotine, water, glycerin, and flavor)..there are 360+ flavors, my favorites are coconut and pina coloda, and you can adjust the nicotine levels so you can slowly wean yourself off of them.

    I swear by the things..I used to smoke a pack a day and now the smell of cigarettes grosses me out. You should look into them. It wouldn't be as speedy as quitting cold-turkey, but its much more bearable.

    Ditto to this. My ecig has changed my life! I tried quitting back in December and I packed on 15 lbs. I started smoking again a few months later. 2 months ago I tried ecigs and I've never looked back. My favorite is Honeydew Cotton Candy. So good!

    Ditto! I packed on 12 pounds by eating yummy gummy bears WITH the ecig - I am 7 pounds down 3 months in and have not touched a real smoke in 7 months - You've got this:flowerforyou:

    Edit to say - Expect your metabolism to change UNLESS you are proactive (which I was not, hence the 12 pounds).
  • lisas1019
    lisas1019 Posts: 30
    Wow!! Thank you for all the support!! I spoke with my doctor again, as he previously advised against quitting because the effects of quitting would be more harmful then smoking at the time. He suggested Nicoderm CQ.. which I have tried before but had the worst most vivid nightmares. Now I guess you can wear it 16 hours a day and not at night so you don't get this side effect. Has anyone had experience with this product?

    Thank you all again.. It's definitely time!!!
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    Which brand of e-cig would someone recommend? Seems all the online reviews are e-cig websites. Hard to decipher which ones are from actual people vs. marketers.
  • blt0087
    blt0087 Posts: 115
    Which brand of e-cig would someone recommend? Seems all the online reviews are e-cig websites. Hard to decipher which ones are from actual people vs. marketers.

    I love mine! I take it everywhere I go, and as long as I have the liquid for it, my cravings for actual cigarettes are pretty much gone. I use the eGo-T with an extended battery..I used to use the clearomizer (which holds about 1.5mL of liquid), but now I use a tank (which holds 3mL). The bottles of juice I order are about $19 after tax for 30mL...the equivalent of around 30 packs of cigarettes. So one bottle lasts me right at a month. Once you get past the initial set up costs, they end up being a LOT cheaper than cigarettes.