"Muscle weighs more than fat"



  • trekkiebeth
    trekkiebeth Posts: 172
    david1956 - Yes, you explained that very well. Thank you!
  • jojospaghettio
    jojospaghettio Posts: 62 Member
    Thanks for posting this trekkie. I am in the exact same boat as you today. 1 good week of working out + too much sodium & not enough water = 5 lbs weight gain! Eek! I'm doing my best to overlook those 5 lbs that previously looked so good as loss on my ticker.
  • maccabeth
    maccabeth Posts: 111 Member
    I changed my settings after reading all your replies, so now I'll be able to track my sodium intake. Hopefully that will help me make sure I don't have too much, and I'll continue to drink lots of water. I've also decided to take a break from stepping on the scale for at least two weeks so that I stop stressing so much.

    This has made ALL the difference for me. I started working out consistently in Feb, but was not losing anything! Nothing. It was soooo discouraging. I started here in June and am finally losing. The key has been watching my sodium. I am vegetarian and the sodium in fake meat is crazy high. Even whole wheat bread is kinda high. I've been over a few times, but I am finding if I stay under that 2500mg, I lose. Also, as some others said, look at the overall trend. Aunt Flo came for a visit a week ago and I didn't lose anything. BUT I didn't gain either. I kept doing my thing and a week later, I showed a 2lb drop (and my settings are for 1lb/week!)

    Good luck. :smile:
  • grover0ca
    grover0ca Posts: 568 Member
    Don't worry, you're not gaining muscle. But you're not gaining fat either.

    Your muscles need extra water when you start a new exercise to keep up with the repairs, sometimes a bit more so when you're on a deficit. And that can make you gain "weight" depending on how much you're exercising. Just remember that density is not mass. You can very well lose a lot of inches without losing "weight" at first. But the weight will come off too eventually.

    As for fat not being bigger in comparison to muscle ... looks bigger to me!


    Now that is quite the image. I have alot of people tell me that Muscle weighs more than fat (I guess they are trying to be supportive) as I have been working out 3x a week for 8 months without much of a weight loss..but I think I just need to amp it up. Thanks for posting this photo!
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    Never mind....just read the whole post and I hadn't said anything that hadn't already been said.

    Congrats on the new exercise program. Be patient...it will pay off.