Pregnancy Strength Routine?

Hi! I'm currently 11wks pregnant and am looking for ways to incorporate more strength training into my daily routine. Prior to pregnancy, I was doing a modified 5X5 using adjustable dumbbells instead of a bar (no gym membership), let me ins instead of pullups, and adding bench dips and hanging bent leg raises. I stopped my routine for several weeks due to pregnancy symptoms and fatigue. Now, I'm feeling better but know that I have lost strength and that my body has changed. Does anyone have suggestions for a safe, effective strength training routine? Right now I'm doing prenatal yoga (a huge change from my usual ashtanga primary series, but good) and walking the dog. Equipment I have access to: adjustable dumbbells and bench, pullup bar, yoga mat. Anything bodyweight or using the dumbbells would be perfect.


  • Maggieba
    Maggieba Posts: 47 Member
    I'm 18 weeks pregnant and was also doing 5x5 before. I haven't worked out for almost 4 months due to extreme nausea and vomiting (love being pregnant :# ) Due to time off, SI joint/ligament pain, and general hormones/elastin, I decided heavy wasn't the way to go at this point. I just started You Are Your Own Gym last week and like it so far. It's all bodyweight and has 4 levels, each 10 weeks and I like having the structure. I bought the book but the app is awesome and worth the $2.99.