New Here, Excited for Connections and Motivation!

Hello everyone! I'm new to MFP and am excited to be here.

I'm the type who enjoys structure and organization and planning so I think organizing my health goals via app will be much more effective than just continuing to think about making real changes without actually doing anything to change.

I've been overweight for a few years now. I'm currently one year post partum, and it's really hitting me how unhappy I am with my health and body. I'm sick of lacking energy and motivation, I'm sick of clothes shopping bringing me to tears, I'm sick of having no self confidence, I'm sick of unhealthy habits, and most of all, I want to be the best role model for my daughter when it comes comes to eating healthy and being active. I have about 60 pounds I'd like to lose which is hard to even admit!

Hoping to connect with more motivated people here! Always best to have positive support :)