Is anyone using a weight loss supplement?

I bought Green tea fat burner today.... i have read alot of good reviews about it....... i love that it gives me energy too..... i usually drink redbull total zero but i dont think thats very healthy...... i am just starting my weight loss journey...... so any tips or motivation would me great!!!! i am also doing zumba workouts 5 days a week and walking 30minuted the other two days.....

age: 20
height: 5'9"
weight: 250lbs
goal weight : 165lbs

i would love to be able to make my goal in a year or so..... any sucsess stories?


  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    I use diet and exercise and have had success.
  • SweetHarmani
    SweetHarmani Posts: 4 Member
    Just healthy eating and calorie counting has worked for me in terms of nutrition...
    Our stats are very similar. I started out with zumba when i was 250, very fun. Then went onto (or at least attempted) circuit training, Stuck with that till i got better. Eventually was able to successfully do workouts from jillian michaels' 30 day shred levels 1 and 2. So now, I usually either go to spin class at my local ymca, do some of fitnessblender's workouts (youtube), jillian michaels banish fat boost metabolism, cardio kickboxing, and her yoga meltdown dvd (started very recently, level 1, also very nice.)
    and of course i still do my zumba, except before i did it for 20 (when i was 250) but now at 168 i do it for 45.
    Happy losing :)!