Capital Elite Fitness

hort8445 Posts: 2 Member
We want to promote healthy lifestyle changes in our Capital Elite Families and are challenging you to make at least 1 simple change for at least the next 4 weeks. Start with just one or two of the following changes and then add in a third challenge once you have mastered the first two. Here are the changes we recommend:

-drink 1/2 your weight in ounces of water daily
-eat 5 times a day
-limit sugars to <50 grams per day
- Increase lean proteins to more than half your body weight in grams.
- Eat breakfast EVERYDAY (protein, carb, and starch)
- Attend the Hit and Fit workout starting 10am 1/09(adult fitness and kids open hitting)

We will be posting about the following topics
- Meal prep Mondays (tips on preparing meals ahead of time)
- Two for Tuesdays (info on exercise and nutrition)
- Workout Wednesday (exercises to do at home or on the go)
- Thirsty Thursday (smoothie recipes)
- Fun Fact Friday (useful info about health and wellness)


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